Porsalin calls into Steve Rees' podcast tonight discussing copyright block by Joe Matarese.

8  2017-09-29 by c_muff

The show is called The Passive Aggressive Hour, on the same network as Monumental Waste Of Time with Karen from Philly. Karen was on the phone earlier in the show to discuss Joe's calls into her show last Sunday.

Porsalin's calls:

Facebook video here (starts with -12:45 left in the show) and audio here (starts at 92:20)


Everyone has a fucking podcast now

Not Opie!

I don't understand any of this. Are these shows dedicated to talking about Joe Matarese or something? What am I missing?

Monumental Waste of Time is about Joe, yes. That's hosted by Karen from Philly. Steve Rees was a guest on the last two shows with Karen. Steve also has had his own podcast, The Passive Aggressive Hour, which recorded their current episode tonight and they discussed the hype with Joe's calls on MWOT this past Sunday. Passive Aggressive is not always about Joe, ever. Actually, it's only about .0072% about Joe.

Why Joe though? Is she trying to suck his cock?

another person with a podcast that I have never heard of before. Am I supposed to hate him or do we like him?

At this point I start with hate and let them win me over.

Holy shit the dudes British. And people were complaining that his impression was bad. That's some rick Grimes level voice acting. Well done. Your doing gods work