Jim Norton Explains Why Opie Was Fired from Sirius XM - Joe Rogan

211  2017-09-29 by beavvv


"How is a podcast played in a car?"- Jim Norton

In astonished at how out of touch jim is at times

He's an old high school drop-out. Do you remember how easy how school was? Yeah. Jimmy failed that.

He was dealing with a crippling addiction, something most of us here wouldn't understand.


Yeah, he almost killed himself after sipping a Seagram's Wine CoolerTM .

I’m guessing you’re a new listener?

Jimmy had convinced himself as a teenager that he was an alcoholic. ~35 years later he still makes it a cornerstone of his personality. It’s the root of all his obnoxious behavior. The problem is that, for a variety of reasons, we know it’s bullshit and he’s basically pretending to be an addict. Jimmy is an ass. Welcome aboard.

Do you remember how easy how school was?

You must've been one of those rockstars at English.

How the fuck did that get upvoted 14 times? And with the option to edit!

Journalism major. English minor. Mass rum enthusiast

High school was " show up don't murder " easy.

Watching him try to relate to Joe on normal guy shit is funny.

"You know that brake dust you get when you clean your wheels?"

"Uh.. Yeah"

He asked someone who's never cleaned his home let alone a car or specifically wheels or rotors lol, oh lil Jimmy..

Rogan is out of touch too...

Not when it comes to peen

They have to be the most closeted fags in podcasting

Tony Hinchcliffe

That dude came out of the closet to redecorate the doors, then slid back in.

You go, girl!

Can you even get podcasting equipment into a car?

just wait until i have my new car in the city. A-List passengers will come pouring in!

He doesn't watch comedy or partake too much in other's podcast unless he has something to hawk or promote. He's right above Opie in the "World's Dullest Millionaire", and only because he has some interests and hobbies.

That's not true, he also went on camody centre because he was trying to fuck her

Gonna defend him here because Joe Rogan is a dumbass. Jimmy explained that SXM has an app where you can essentially listen on demand, but Rogan didn't get it.

Wait... That's not funny....

Ayyyy just like all of the living "comedians" this sub is dedicated to

Rogan's show becomes far less entertaining once you realize he's stoned off his gourd and everything that comes out of his mouth is stoner babble.

And in this clip he's just uninformed. Every damn broadcast platform in existence now has on-demand apps- including Sirius. It's no harder to pull up a specific episode of a Sirius show than it is Rogan's podcast (though the last time I checked Sirius only makes a couple weeks of historical shows available)

If its not MMA related Joe has it about 60% correct most of the time

Hey that's not fair. He knows about boxing also.

His MMA cred provides an illusion. Brendan Schaub sadly knows more about boxing

Which says a lot about the depth of their boxing knowledge.

B Schaub is an utter dope when it comes to analysing or commenting on boxing.

He always had 10 times more intensity. This is definitely a mix of weed and at least one other thing a lot less wise to use than weed.


It is kind of shitty for Joe to put Jim in that position - he was shitting on Sirius hardcore while Jim had to sit there and take it so the bosses wouldn't get pissed.

Like 50% of what he says is bullshit. And he constantly parrots the same stoner pseudointellectual BS you'd hear at a college dorm room party.

Using a phone to listen to a podcast in your car is the same as using a phone to listen to SXM on-demand.

Yeah I noticed that too. Joe is a fucking idiot.

I agree, Jim lead Joe to the phone answer and Joe just rails on about the ways to get the podcast. And then what, Joe? Play it on your phone just like the sirius app. Yeesh.

He also lives in manhattan, they don’t really drive as much if at all

Jim Norton is in love with Anthony Cumia. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out.

They really are made for each other

Should a seen it sooner. They both like kisses with women with a willy.

It's the Ron & Fez subplot all over again.

Todd Hilliard is to Fez as Jim Norton is to Chip


Hilliard, Wikipedia is wrong.

I listened to that train wreck for ten years. I know Todd's name.


They both love trannies and hung around Greg and his tits for a LOOOOONG time

Yea we get it he's funny .. he's your friend but jump off his dick

I wonder how nervous Sam gets when ppl ask Jimmy about doing a show with Ant. Jim had to sneak in there that he would love to do it with Ant and Sam. If he got his Sirius money or even close enough to it to do a show with Ant, he would drop that half breed in a second.

They should just get together and get it over with, they could adopt the teft as their own. He coukd have TWO new mommy's.

Are we stealing from Ron and Fez now?

The shoehorning in that "Sam would be great" "Sam is GREAT in that moment too". Stop being dishonest

Yeah, that was painful. Sam Roberts is a shitty host but a very talented producer. It would be nice one day to have Anthony and Jim do some type of show on SXM with Sam Roberts producing and maybe doing some horseshit show on the weekends.

That will never happen now. Sam thinks he is on-air talent, and going back to producing would be a huge failure in his mind. If him and Jimmy don't last, Sam will just become a full time wrestling podcaster.


The main problem isn't Sam's shrill voice, at least it's a distinguishable radio voice. His main problem is his limited and narrow interests.

If Jim gave a shit, it would immensely help that show. Sam was fine with ESD for special delivery, which was one of the funniest radio shows ever made

Sam's narrow Gen-X interests, and Jim's clueless insubordination work hand in hand with eachother to make a completely mediocre show.

I think Sam's interests are less important than the effort of the other co-host. Sam is a good producer and obviously a good shit stirrer. He would have adapted the show if Jim wanted to invite funny comics and make a good show

But they have done good episodes. Like the Mourning Harambe episode when Opie went on vacation for the remainder of his contract was very good radio. Because both guys gave a shit and worked hard like O&A used to. When it became clear Jim "won" and Opie was self destructing his way out (even before Roland) he stopped giving a shit and let the show turn into "Boss Man Sam goofs on the staff."

Jim had a great explanation as to why he and Sam were given the AM show....They were hungry. Fucking stupid Opie takes half the fucking month off. The show he was doing, in its current form, was ending. So, what does the great businessman do? Not show up to even fake that he cares. Look at him now? He was fired months ago and has gone on a show in the 157th market in the US and on a behind-the-paywall podcast. I am astounded that anyone, even his ballwashers, continue to follow him and hang on his every "pop-up". I cannot imagine he is really looking to work anymore. I think he will do some of his awful pop-ups and then, after holidays, announce he will not be doing a show anymore.

I agree. Whatever he does is going to fail or look small, so he's going to shatter his illusion that 100,000 people cancelled Sirius and are looking to back whatever he does. So I think he'd rather keep the illusion up by not doing anything but the Facebook shit because if he does a pay podcast it will fail, if he goes to a FM station that isn't a major one he'll look like a failure.

Really what his options are mirrors Don Geronimo. He went to Delaware to be on FM radio for a while, did a podcast that never got an attention, and now is in California and nobody cares. That would be Opie's life.

He's going to spend the rest of his life writing his memoirs. In crayon.

I don't mind him that much but when he talks about soda and chicken fingers I want to drive to new york and kill him.

Sam Robabooey

i wanna see tits try to continue pushing the howard narrative after this

You know he will. He's never had a problem with cognitive dissonance.

This nigga got the aids

I love that he admits to listening to the Jimmy laughing compilations that were made here.

He has said this a couple of times on Jim and Sam, they are some of my favorite videos as well. Ant is lightning quick, one could say Sue Lightning perhaps? Sorry I will see myself out...

kill yourself while you're at it

Tsss yeah what about suicide or sumpthin

Change the weather with your fist. Make a mudslide

What, did they forget the "P.I.D.?"

link please

Scroll up, it's this vid.

Wish he mentioned Chip Breaking character, I could use a bump! lol

When did Jim Norton become boring and unfunny? Good lord.


Oh fuck off, edgy boy. Jimmy pushed the old show from good to excellent. He's not funny now but don't pretend like our sweet boy ever wasn't.

It's hard to be limited to three repeated jokes for 20 years

I'd agree, but apparently I'm too busy being an "edgy boy"...

"Ewwww" - James Norden

He was never that great, you nostalgic faggots. A lot of those old O&A clips from the mid 2000s you guys glaze yourselves over are awful.

It's when he started thinking of himself as something more than someone who told dick jokes and thought he had insight to share with the people.

I think it's more because of his self loathing and the fact that he doesn't have Anthony there to make him laugh. Now every time he cracks up you can almost hear him form a hemorrhoid from forcing out that fake laughter.

I hate the way you said it but I agree that jimmy doesn't laugh hard like he used to.

He no longer has the energy.

It saps one's strength.

The self loathing are fake as shit, he thinks he's great

Like when he goes on Rogan's show to talk about 'the art of comedy'?

I think he's spent too much time obsessing over himself in therapy. Almost everyone I know who does therapy lets all that shit bleed into everyday conversations. Listen I don't give a fuck if you had a 'toxic' relationship with your mom. Go to work and shut up.

Chip sucked all the funny out of Jimmy

About 2004

As soon as he became more than a third mic

Always. I recall he blamed his lack of a career on people being too pc. Oh, right. That's it.

When he started think he was on the same level as George Carlin, and that he was a philosopher and artiste and comic historian, instead of a bald short dude who tells tranny jokes.

Insufferable Jimmy is the fucking worst.

"I don't think he was doing it to be degrading"

That's such a great subconscious dig at Opie.

Also, this is extra funny because Opie just tweeted Rogan saying he was impressed with Joe's success.

I enjoyed how he brought up dice saying anthony is the one actually talented while smiling in agreement. Ouch.

imagine if opie tweeted rogan because he got wind of jimmy going on there

Hey Rogan, playing episodes after the fact from Sirius is exactly that same as playing a podcast dummy

But radio is just suuuch an archaic form of media.

It's not like podcasts, man, I got them on my phone I can just listen to them in the car.

The only thing missing is the live element.

With Rogan a dead element might be better.

I wonder if Gregg agrees with this version of events?

(sniff) whatever man

They didn't all great a circle around him and go *Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Yaaaaayh!". Doubt it.

You haven't heard? It was a grand conspiracy by Howard Stern who was always threatened by Opie's "talent".

Lol sherrods stupid blabbermouth

Big lips sinks tits.

dis a gooden

Ya got a nigga ribs hurtin' today!

He was a double agent this whole time. He got in close and slit the throat with a finishing blow.

That's my favorite part. He made it a 100% sure thing that Fat Tits would be let go. Great.

He puts a lot of it on Sherrod for opening his big mouth about seeing the Roland tape.

He's right. I remember thinking since was Roland's word against Opie’s they were just going to ride it out and tell him to fuck off in October. But that dumb coon was coked up and blabbed everything. And that Opie is so mad about being fired but keeps Sherrod in his life shows how pathetic he is. He should treat him like he treated Paul Mecurio. But he has no one else. He could be calling in favors from everybody from Bob Kelly to Dan Soder and having them on his pop up shows. But he alienated everybody but the $750 Posse, so he needs Sherrod.

Was he really on coke?

He acted like it. He was amped up like crazy the entire show.

And then later that week he forced his way onto Legion of Skanks acting the same way. Big Jay says "Sherrod is lit up" and he got angry with him. Then he spent the whole show babbling nonsense and kissing Luis.

You don't feel as though Sherrod has an appropriate tone and volume to his voice and chimes in at opportune times with well measured statements and responses?

I'm sure the show where Gregg was defiantly saying that it was "inner circle" and Roland should get over it didn't help. Him and debesso talked him into getting fired.

It was Howard!

2 queens chat about hot yoga, male domination inside an octagon and opie

They eventually talk about buffets...

Is Jimmy "sick" with some kind of serious illness?



Haha. He mentions the yimmy laugh compilations.

JIM: Well I was diagnosed with ABHD.

ANT: Oh yeah, what's that?

JIM: adorable huggable boy disorder.

ANT: Oh no. I see you've been cured.

Still one of the greatest moments of O&A ever. I laughed so hard at work that everyone looked at me like a retard.

And of course Tits was silent.

that douche was probably doing sudoku

Tsss yeah what about sueestaku or sumpthin

home run chipperson!

Make way for da Chippaaa.


My favorite is the "STU" on the headphones, nobody is faster than Ant, what a waste...

Ant shoots off the fast hilarious line, then the annoying hot chick who doesn't understand it, he looks at her and says, don't worry you don't got to get everything, you're beautiful.

That was a hilarious line, finished with some pimp shit.

Immortalized by some dumb cumrag chiming in: "I don't get it." As Jim and Ant gasp for air. Keep not getting it, stupid.

"You want a new set of headphones?"

Ant is one of the fastest guys

Idk, I like Mary there only because Ant hits her with "you want another pair of headphones?"

Change the weather with your fist. Make a mudslide.

Silence from Opie.

that right there was my favorite moment of all time from the old show.

Anthony - "Bosom Buddies.....sad irony there....."

Jim - "Why what happened"

Hilarity ensues....

I see you've been cured.

you added an extra word. kinda ruined it. you bastard.

Jim was funnier when he was fat, smoking, angry, and eating hooker logs.

Wow he's in love with Anthony

I truly despise Jimmy. It's so weird, I used to love him.

You must have a miserable life.

Yeah not all of us can have the self-satisfied existence of a Jim Norton worshiper. You're a lucky guy!

dat fawkin ball WARSHER snake Norton. Guy has no chin or INTEGRITY. He's lucky dat howwwwwward got me fired.

How's fishing?

Confirmation that it was Roland on the shitter and not at the urinal.

There's no way to explain Opie's firing without it being hilarious and embarrassing. Jim was trying to be diplomatic but it still makes Oqie look like the worlds weirdest asshole.

I love how he tried to play it down by saying "he filmed me shitting in '09 and it was cool"

Truly the Ken Burns of shit videos.

Jim's got Ant's cum on his chin

The fact that Jimmy constantly praises that alien head Klingon, receding afro, chicken mcnugget eating, always repeating and explaining jokes bitch vocal faggot Sam is absolutely vomitus. When Joe asked him if he would do another show with Anthony, Jim immediately responded "I'd love to do Me, Sam and Anthony!" Ugh. WHY? What redeeming qualities does that shit heap have on any level? Jim & Alien Head must be fucking. They must be sucking each other's dicks. Sam has always been a little faggot think boi. Jim has always professed his obsession with cocks. Would Jim be the bottom or the top?

Probably just panicking that they won't get renewed or have to admit that he has made a terrible mistake by picking that retard

That's definitely part of it. Sickeningly, Jim will defend zero talent Sam to the bitter end, sadly.

He will also say any of his terrible comedian friends is the funniest savages on earth if they can help his career, he used to defend Opie too

Because his job depends on it. If he says someone else would be a better team then it makes the Sam & Jim show look bad.

The Jim & Sam Show does a fantastic job of making itself look like a steaming pile of dog shit all on its own.

Not if nobody is paying attention to it.

Sam back on the board chiming in once or twice every hour would be fine, he is a great shit stirrer, he just lacks any type of personality anyone can relate to.

If the squirming little maggot must be involved then I agree. However, I obviously prefer the faggot to move on to his stupid fucking wrestling podcast and go fuck himself. Worthless unamusing cunt.

As horrible as Sam is, imagine the relief Jim feels. He has serious PTSD from having to do radio duo with Tits

Fuck Anthony. Fuck Jimmy.

What, you are opies one real fan?

The last JRE I watched was maybe 3 months ago. What the fuck happened? He sounds stoned and drunk as shit now.

I'm sitting there watching the first 3 minutes thinking about how everyone here is going to smash Jimmy for looking weird and having weird hand movements, and then Rogan finally talks, and he sounds literally brain damaged. He took the spotlight away from Jimmy immediately.

I thought his whole thing was to be an overly introspective stoner-smart judoka with twinkling eyes that he has from believing in other planes of existence. He's just a busted up drugged out literal retard now who looks like he has a problem keeping his eyes open.

The last JRE I watched was maybe 3 months ago. What the fuck happened? He sounds stoned and drunk as shit now.

AlphaBRAIN's a helluva supplement.

"access funny" is such a gay and pompous way of wording that

I think Jimmy is telling it wrong, it supposedly happened at a urinal.

I really want you to be right. The idea of fat Roland shitting in a urinal is euphoric.

DASBESSO jussa laughin' and shittin'ah

Jimmy is a fucking dud on podcasts.

Yeah, talk about your relationship issues for the 2,000th time you fucking earthworm

I like 'normal' Jimmy about 10,000% more than 'funny' Jimmy.

In the middle of talking about it Rogan decides to segue in to a discussion about data streaming plans for your car.

The Rogan 'experience'.

He and Redban really captured lightning in a bottle - they made a money machine. Stoned comics go in one end, money pours out of the other.

The irony is that it was Anthony's basement and their show that inspired him to do it, and if the rumored profits are true, he makes more than all 3 combined.

Imagine if Ant fired Keith, and hired Redban.

In relation to Uncle Paul, Anthony of course could get with it. Not even a Freudian slip.

Rogan's mouth sounds exceptionnally moist

Jim wants Ant's fans. He's just a conspiring worm.

It’s clear that Jim started not liking Opie around the same time he Chip-rolled this sub.

Like happened to a lot of us, the display of hatred on here turned him against Opie.

Chip rolled? In out of the loop what did he do

Opie was supposed to do the show in Montreal but left a day early with no explanation.

Way to go asshole. And you wonder why people hate you.

Be real he was doing us a favor.

If you want to hear the definitive breathing deeply through the nose pontificating Jim Norton, listen to this podcast.

im a big fan of the uncomfortable water bottle swig. he learned that from opie.

They are both wrong, Sirius does have ondemand, can play it an hour after it airs or live, just like a podcast.

I love how Joe spent half of this clip telling Jim his employer has no future.

I think we could all agree it should have been the Anthony and Jimmy show.

Hopefully when Artie Dies..

Jesus christ... it's not about whether they'd be good enough. It's because ANT DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Ive gotta say I knew of Artie and heard a couple clips but Artie is fucking funny and fast. Repeats himself a bit though.

Joe Rogan with a concerned look on his face "you have conversations with yourself?"

I listened to the whole podcast. Such a disappointment. There was very little humor or comedy, just an endless analysis of Jim’s sad mental health issues and addictions. Not only was there little to no humor, but there was zero discussion of any of the social or political issues at all. Narcissistic self-obsessed unfunny worm.

Not if nobody is paying attention to it.

What, you are opies one real fan?
