Perfect example of what motivates women to become comedians. "lol yeah babe, you're funny." And she's oblivious to it.

1  2017-09-29 by xavier_stock


I don't get it.

Female comedian wrote down on a post-it note that she had to reorganize her spice rack or something. Boyfriend just assumed it was a joke because all her other shit is just as unfunny and doesn't make sense, so he told her it was funny.


Post-it notes are for brain dead alcoholics. Just use your memory, you dumb broad. How hard is it to remember sometime before fall to deal with the fucking spice rack? Or how about, instead of posting inane gibberish on twitter and updating your tumblr you, just go and reorganize the spice rack now?

Post-it notes are for brain dead alcoholics. Just use your memory, you dumb broad. How hard is it to remember sometime before fall to deal with the fucking spice rack? Or how about, instead of posting inane gibberish on twitter and updating your tumblr you, just go and reorganize the spice rack now?


Oh, I'm a dunce. I'm withdrawing from benzos and not thinking clearly. Sorry gang