New 100% Italian Links // VIDME & SOUNDCLOUD

161  2017-09-28 by porsalin


Hey, it's Joe Matarese.

Well now you've done it. You can expect a cease and desist letter from Joe Amy minute now.

I'm Italian, I know people.

No, it's me, the real Joe matarese.

if anything deserved a sticky today, this is it.

thanks for the quick reups /u/porsalin

OMG! Thank & bless you sir!

100% Italian is golden!

You are doing God's work.

Tweet @ Joe

Everyone tweet Joe about great his 100% Italian Podcast is.

Way ahead of you hopefully it take a off so his wife let's him back in the main house.

"That GUY knows what I'm TALKIN about!"

does this guy put emphasis on the wrong words like Opie as well?

Joe thought he could kill a grass roots movement like this with a small copyright claim

It's the "old men vs. technology" trope again. Still can't get enough of it.

The real question is... Will you let me roast ya for fifty bucks?

You know what, I'll do it for free but don't tell my wife!

hey it's me joe matarese here and I'll roast your birthday party for $5.

Cool we need someone on the grill.

"Excuse me sir, why are there tears and miscellaneous pills in my food?"

Don't worry about it. It's just fish oil and Geritol.

are you actually british or are you memeing on me son?

100% mate

oi guvnor put the kettle on lets ave some toad in the ole for tea, just took the penny farthing down the cobbles to pick up some hovis n digestive biscuits, pip pip cheerio god save her majesty elizerberth the 4th

Im sitting alone on my bed and i cant stop saying "heyyyyyy im joe matareeeeessssee"


I read through Joe's incomprehensibly unfunny Twitter, and I read every tweet in my head in the fake Joe voice. I don't even realize Im doing it anymore.

Fake Joe Matarese > Joe Matarese..

By a fucking light year.

He (Joe Matarese) will not divide us.

I barely find these funny, but the back lash is enjoyable to wash

I will pay money for more of these!

Porslain and braihouser are literally my favorite people in the world.

I would like nice daily video version of AA shows but don't want to be greedy

Man...I'm new here, and this Joe Marinara business is a fantastic.

How the fuck is that copyright infringement? It's any faggot wop. Maybe name the character and video a new name and have no grounds for copyright?

Thanks. Downloaded them for good measure. (Fuck Joe)

Joe Matarese gets Artie, Ant, Jimmy on his live show, he gets all great guests Colin, Burr, Louie on his podcast, the whole industry is pulling for him in support and I dont get why he's always a dick.

Self obsessed mental illness.

He's friends with some of the highest grossing comics of all time and he still relies on his wife's job to take care of the family.

Just to clarify..... are these videos Joe's actual content or are these the parodies made by /u/porsalin? If it's actually Joe's content, can someone post the parody material that hes spazzing out about?

Porca is doing the Joe Impression, while not pitch perfect, captures Joe's awful neediness to the letter. Its the guest audio which is lifted from elsewhere.

I was atarting to feel sorry for Joe and then I went back and listened to the live fixing joe podcast. Holy shit I hate this untalented self-absorbed faggot so much.

New YT Account in case my counterclaim is unsuccesful:

100% Italian YT

Hey Its stupid Joe Mad@pests. I dont realize by throwing a hissy fit and abusing TOS, I have made this podcast far more popular than before I lost the plot.

A sticky for this? The mods love the direction of your parody podcast.

It would be funny to create a patreon for this podcast and make fake Joe Matarese more successful than the real Materese

The Bill Burr one is great

ummmm. appreciate the work that must go into these but wheres the funny part?


I gotta get goin, I'm cooking rigatoni.

Chip needs to be the next guest.

He's definitely gonna be on but next guest is Samcro joe

How can something so retarded mean so much?

I would rather have the Brother Joe episode of 100% Italian than see Puerto Rico have its power restored.

Good man. Ur doing the lords work

I was never planning to listen to these.

Now that Joe had them pulled, I'm going to listen to all of them.

You sure get how the internet works, Joe.

Don't worry about it. It's just fish oil and Geritol.