All of Jim's relationships with younger women have failed. So he starts dating an even younger one.

6  2017-09-28 by TinKnockinMoroccan

That was the logical direction to move in.


Eventually Jim's personality will merge with Uncle Paul and his schizophrenia will be partially cured.

I have no problem with this.

Whoring is a real addiction.

You know how you build up a tolerance for booze? When you're 21 you can get trashed off four beers, and by the time you're 40 the same amount of liquor gives you a mild buzz?

That's what happened with Jim Norton and whores. His requirements have become narrower and narrower every year. It's just human nature. The novelty wears off and you have to go harder and harder to get half the buzz.

I can't relate to that. I've never gotten trashed off of 4 beers. I have alcy genes.

Its why I dont believe his "alcohol addiction" for a second. Anyone who is really that dependant would recongnize it in other aspects of your life, like sex addiction. He dismisses his addiction to sex the way Ant dismisses his drinking, just as a funny personallity quirck.

If jim was a successful and recovering addict he would not just move from one addiciton to another. I think think his "alcoholism" is a cover for his homosexuality but he allows himself that sexual vice because at least his not booze or drugs, but its just as bad if not worse.

Remember when his mom called into the show and suggested trading one addiction for another? This was around twelve years ago.

It ain't a woman if it has a dick.

I can't relate to that. I've never gotten trashed off of 4 beers. I have alcy genes.

Its why I dont believe his "alcohol addiction" for a second. Anyone who is really that dependant would recongnize it in other aspects of your life, like sex addiction. He dismisses his addiction to sex the way Ant dismisses his drinking, just as a funny personallity quirck.

If jim was a successful and recovering addict he would not just move from one addiciton to another. I think think his "alcoholism" is a cover for his homosexuality but he allows himself that sexual vice because at least his not booze or drugs, but its just as bad if not worse.