Joe Matarese, Failed Husband: "Her husband, a standup comedian, would have joined them, but that would have meant passing up gigs."

45  2017-09-28 by crookedmile


Can't blame this broad for not wanting to take Joe's last name.

PhD? I thought his wife was a doctor?

PhD, playa hating degree. Don't push us cause we're close to the edge, we're tryin not to lose our heads. Uh huh Uh huh

I get the feelin sometimes that make me wonder, why they wanna take us under, why they wanna take us under

Now someone else join in.

we ain't, go--ing no--where, na we ain't going nowhere, we can't be stopped now

Cool, maybe we can make this a regular thing on future threads.

Exactly, not a doctor. You can be a complete retard and have a phd in psych, I know plenty of them.

Yes, exactly.

Oh literal chap

By gigs they mean Joe Matarese doing one gig for $45 then spending the next 6 days staring at his computer waiting for emails. Modern day Joe Matarese is doing the same thing, but overlay it with an obsession with this sub and people making fun of him on twitter.

"Hey babe, can you pay for a babysitter? This kid is holding back my career. Also, I need some cash for gas"

When I'm feeling bad about my own existence I just think of Joe Matarese, always perks me up.

"I just think of Joe Matarese, always perks me up."

  • Said his wife, never.

Why is she still married to him. Needs to get those kids away from their mentally ill father!

What isn't mentioned here is that, due to the various anti-depressants he's taking and the pressure of working as a comedian for 30 years with nothing to show for it , Joe is also a sexual failure who is unable to achieve (much less maintain) an erection.

It's in the footnotes.

Hey, it's me, Stephanie Maaaatereeze.

His stupid wifes FB. Ban me, faggots.

by Olivia Gentile

seems fishy to me

She looks like she has a hairy asshole and box.


Who's going to print out her photo, drop a load onto it, then tweet it to him?

I double dog dare you.

I would but I cut my dick off in March to protest Trump.

Where is it now? Asking for a friend.

She's ugly. Joe must have low self esteem in addition to his other issues.

She looks heebie jeebie, but that laayyyst neeeeme is 100% uh-TOWL-yin OH!

Stephanie, I'd be happy to step in and see to your bedroom needs. Joe's flaccid pudd has disappointed you long enough.

I'd be willing to eat your pussy, even though you're italian and your pussy probably looks like don kings head.

She looks like trans Edward Snowden

These losers who make their parents take care of their kids make me sick. I see so many grandparents with kids when I take my kids out. Poor old fuckers.

She's not very attractive, a 4/10. That being said, would.

Always remember: a living 4/10 with a working vagina is a 10/10

As long as they're kind of skinny, not hideous or deformed and <=45 they're almost all fuckable.

Man this made me feel really sorry for this woman, which is hard to do. She's working her ass off, and she's stuck with this bum ass neurotic dork ass husband who shirks off his natural manly duty as a provider. So she's stuck. She's forced to depend on the little help he provides while being reminded that if she were to ever leave, she'd be damaged goods with the 41 year old body, two kids, and a mentally ill ex husband.

So basically she's stuck with lifelong commitment to a burdensome husband that suckles off her energy not unlike the parents of Down's syndrome children.

" You wish you had a hot rich wife"

Her parents must love joe
