Joe Matarese (matarese67) felt my 'impression' of him was violating copyright. Shuts down 100% Italian. #waaaambulance

258  2017-09-28 by porsalin


Holy shit, he hit a new level of pathetic.

You can't stop somebody from doing a parody of you, or else Trump would have shut down SNL since he's the fucking president and Joe is some lowly faggot comic. So fight it under the right to parody. Even if you have to include "parody" in the text somewhere.

It's a YT issue. Unfortunately I believe the only way to resolve this is through court (i.e., hiring and attorney), since it's the claimant who is able to reject counter notifications. Also, the counter is a proper legal document, and would need to present sources, etc. (which is again fruitless since YT has nothing to do with once something is claimed, they are simply a medium of communication between parties.)

Yeah, but it's worth a shot to say it's a fair use parody since he's a public figure.

If worse comes to worse you can always do it without his name. Call him Moe Jatarese.

I've had multiple strikes against my account due to Opie making claims against me and it really is a bitch to deal with. Youtube automatically sides with the claimant and the process of going through an appeal isn't really automated, you gotta put in a bit of time and talk to their jews on the phone and whatnot. I found it to not be worth my time just to fuck with Tits because he would keep refiling his claims which takes about 10 seconds for the "copyright holder". Also keep in mind this man has nothing but time on his hands to do this shit. He's a thin-skinned gigless comedian who's only miniscule hope of ever getting noticed is on social media.

I hope /u/porsalin does fight it because the videos will get reinstated during the appeals process, but I imagine Joe will just try again and again to harass him into just giving up.

Maybe use a different account and make a claim against some of Joe's videos?

That would certainly be annoying.

Yeah, losing out of those 10 views will really piss him off.

Yep. I suggested the same. Joe Matafeces. Combine the two, Moe Matafeces. Perfect. Gets Porsalin right back in the action.

public figure

This guy's entire case is gonna depend on proving Joe Matarese isn't a nobody.

We already lost

Canthony Aumia. APrhAl fAhLs.

only way to resolve this is through court

I dunno, talk to Youtube, Parody is protected speech.

I am not saying it's not, but YT leans toward the claimant (understandably, since they want to avoid some sort of landmark copyright suit). So presumably one would have to make a legal argument as to why it's a parody, which in all likelihood would require counsel.

The claim and counterclaim are pretty much automated. Afterwards is when you need to get your jews involved

What's insane is someone can make up some bs, take your videos down, and if you go "hey, this has nothing to do with you, they're my original content", THEY can reject that counter, lol. Youtube's system is horrible.

That's just how the DMCA works though. Youtube can't decide if someone is filing a false claim a court has to.

So what is stopping us from making copyright claims against him?

There's a lawyer whos on /r/videos all the time, he works pro bono to protect YouTubers from exactly this type of thing.

More like pro boner dvvv dvvv

The parent mentioned Pro Bono. For anyone unfamiliar with this term, here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment. Unlike traditional volunteerism, it is service that uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them. Pro Bono Publico is also used in the United Kingdom to describe the central motivation of large organizations such as the National Health Service, and various NGOs, which exist "for the public good", rather than for shareholder ... [View More]

See also: Pro Bono Publico

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How much money would it cost to take Matarese to court over this?

You just have to outspend matarese. So practically nothing.

Technically you'd have to outspend his wife

You don't need to go to court. You're 100% in the right - submit the counter-notification!

No you just appeal

You absolutely can shitfuck.

It's not a "parody" its someone presenting themselves as me in an attempt to hurt my career. That's not a parody, that's fraud.

If you're the real Joe Matarese, you fucking stink.

No, reading his post history it's just a very good parody account. Maybe the only good parody account on this sub.

I figure it's a parody, but I seriously wouldn't put it past Matarese to come here and try to defend himself.

What career?

Post a picture of yourself with a timestamp you fucking fake Italian coward.

You post a picture of yourself with a nigger's cock in your mouth first

Have you ever seen the television program titled The People's Court? Word on the street is that fellows working gig-to-gig shouldn't be saying nigger online.

hurt my career

SNL gets to parody people.

The same difference between doing an impression of a celebrity and committing identity fraud Phil.

What a fucking crybaby. If you were secure about your “career” you wouldn’t feel so threatened by an obvious parody

This is so retarded. Joe has zero sense of humor which is ironic given how he allegedly is a comedian.

He's the first comedian I have ever seen who has absolutely zero comedic sensibility. Even comedians I hate have at least a glimmer of something that explains why they might pursue it as a career. It's so obvious he doesn't belong making jokes or being around comedy, but it's too late in life to start the bullshit life coach thing he probably wants to do.

I feel the same way about Wil Sylvince.

What content of his is he alleging that you're using? You're doing an impression of him and using other people's voices under fair use. I'm surprised youtube even took this down.

They probably have no idea he's a 50 year old failed comedian so probably think it's online bullying of a non-public figure since he's a nobody.

A DMCA is pretty much blank check removal, since YouTube yanks anything that gets a notice to prevent any culpability from a lawsuit. A side effect of that is that anyone can DMCA anything, with no real evidence it's violating any copyright, and down it goes.

So you're saying it would be a shame if someone DMCA everything on Joe Matereses channel?

Alls I'm saying is he'd have to fill out a pretty substantial form that would then be handed immediately to the "copyright holder" to get those videos back up, if you know what I mean.

Doesn't this idiot charge people money for his unauthorized impersonations of copyrighted characters?

I hope his wife gets killed in a car "accident" and his children starve to death.

Tell us how you really feel!

Bad, since im dying of cirrhosis of the liver and kidney failure.

Haven't his wife and children suffered enough?

"Finish that, there's no eating in the car."

hope his kids end up fostered by joe cumia.

oh now guuuuys!

Joe Matarese related shenanigans are the funniest thing in the O&A universe right now. His feathers are so easily ruffled.

Management is loving Berber Ant at the moment.

It's so perfect even they get it for once.

I looked forward to these more than my birthday. If I saw a new one, I would stop everything I was doing or listening to so I could hear it asap. Im glad I got the Bill Burr one before it went down.

Is Joseph thompson roberts still getting meme'd on?

Fuck! they're the funniest I checked everyday to see if there was a new one

Everyone say hello to José Mataresé.

Joe Magazine could just as easily work

Joe Doesn'tmaterese would hurt his sensitive feelings

Yosef Mataresovitch

Hola, eso es Jose Matareeeese

He can't win. He won't win.

Can you email me a copy of the Opie episode if I gave you my email?

Put them on Daily Motion or VK. They don't seem to really give a shit about copyright claims.

Just in time for Jocktober.

Fire em up boys, duty calls.

I have changed my flair so I guess its on.


Maybe lose the image of him, because that he can probably claim copyright on, also make sure you heavily include "parody" in descriptions that way hes got no fucking chance..

Like I said photoshop some doves into his hands instead of pill bottles.

Or some real authentic Italian GABAGOOLE or perhaps some MOUZAREL.

Take comfort in the fact, he will never never ever make it.

This is bullshit, he needs to be punished for this.

Like that other Joe he's going to find out being a bitch about the sub mocking you is going to make it a thousand times worse.

What can you take from a man who has nothing?

I don't know, BroJoe made it so easy for us to get his gigs canceled. Matarese is so milquetoast there's no real dirt to dig up - he thinks taking a 10mg XR adderall with multi-vitamins is grounds to call himself "medicated". Maybe we can hire someone to seduce* his wife?

* rape

Fuck him. Those were great. That one where he kept wanting to roast someone for 5 dollars was hilarious. Although this does mean he heard them and got so angry/upset he got YouTube to pull them.

Counter it with fake information. DMCA counters don't do shit with YouTube itself other than notify them you have countered, Matarese will get all the information. File a counter with bullshit information, and YouTube puts you on like a 2 week wait and see period. Because the onus is now on him to sue "you" he would have to file court paperwork to keep the videos offline.

File counter DMCAs with bullshit information and wait a couple weeks, the videos will come back online and if he filed the DMCAs under his real Youtube account, he might get banned for filing false DMCAs.

That's way too much effort for a silly pretend podcast. I honestly think Joe's got me beat here.

It's a form you fill out and just fill in the blanks with bullshit. They give it to you when you click 'File an Appeal', and then it's just waiting a couple weeks.

Think of it as the chance of getting his actual YouTube profile with all his shit videos deleted due to DMCA abuse.

I had to do a manual submission via. email as YT wouldn't even let me view my striked vids.

I'll fill it out for you

Just follow the counter-notification link. Don't let him get away with it!

Just get it done with real details. What's he going to do? Take you to court? Every single video is clearly satirical which is protected by the DMCA. If it went to court he'd lose and could be tried for fucking perjury.

Hey it's Joe Matarese, can you spare a couple a bucks for my lawyer?

Just repost the audio on a different medium if you can. I'm kicking myself for putting off listening to the last few episodes now. Really want to hear Opie and Bill Burr call into the show. Or in other words, "I'm BEGGIN ya! I'm dyin' out here... feel like no ones takin' mah calls."

Never mind. Just found the post to your new SoundCloud links. Time to sit back and listen to Joe bring the funny.

Is it possible that the claims are valid because the use of radio audio? I thought it would fall under fair use since it's parody and not used in its original intent or whatever. I dunno, I'm an idiot.

They all had that pesky disclaimer on and are totally protected by fair use. Either way, Joe definitely sent the copyright claims and whether or not YT agreed to it because of the radio audio is neither here nor there.

Youtube didn't agree to anything. They do what is legally required of them. they have no 'opinion' when it comes to dmca. The same is with your counter notice. They must reinstate your videos unless joe can show proof of a court case against you for copyright of your work, which he had absolutely no ownership.

That pathetic fuck can only afford to live off canned food, has no money for false DMCA court cases

I used to think Joe Matarese was rather harmless and didn't get all the hate but now I'm on board. Fuck Joe what a thin-skinned douche. Those parodies were not only brilliant but incredibly well-produced.

Hope you realize how much people love your parodies, as someone who has done some incredibly awful audio editing I really admire your production values.

Thanks man - I really only did these to get under Joe's skin so in a way it worked.

josh still does his podcast right?

Pretty sure fake DMCA is ground for him him to get suspended. That would get under his skin

Did I miss something? What is this? Those 100% Italian were all fake?

I'm not proud of how long it took me while listening to the first one to realize it wasn't actually him. I don't know what the real Joe Matarese sounds like and I thought it was pretty funny and people needed to give him a break. I am a dullard.

Until yesterday I thought it was him.

....I never listened because I listened to one and it sounded so goddamn boring, like his podcast would be, and figured fuck it I'm good.

You can counter YT claims. Also filing a false DMCA is illegal and your video falls under parody, so fight back and you'll definitely win.

Countered. And I'm very happy with my response.

Good boy

Alright let's declare war on this cunt.

Didn't we already?

Super war, then

Super war, then

Use bitchute. All videos are peer to peer, and it's pretty fast.

Has it gotten better? The UI was a mess and the speeds were laggy when I first got on there.

i dont have a fuckin clue about US laws, but im sure you can get away with parodies like all those porn spoof movies. maybe throw "this is not" and "parody" in the title.

also the piece of shit is infringing on copyright by doing hack gandolfini impressions.

Ruins the bit

First 9/11, now this.


This is a declaration of war. We need to unite as a militia and retaliate against the comedic genius that is Joe Matarese.

War never changes

God damn that is amusing. Well done.

parody is covered by law. take that faggot to court

surely Materese had to agree the 'Keep in mind that there may be severe legal consequences ....' bit?! He's actually submitted a falsehood, there's NO copyrighted material there ffs!

just don't use his picture, or spell his name exactly and you can get right back to it

On a sub that's starved of original content, why did I ignore these while they were live?

The song was true, you don't know what you got 'till it's gone.

peace was never an option... cry hack schlock, and let slip the nogs of war.

I'll talk to this Joe Matarese, he sounds like a reasonable fellow. Let's send polite only emails to [email protected]. I know Jocktober starts in a few days but we need to stay civil with Joe.

Who's gonna be the first to guess his password?

Try gabagoosh or Medicated


Do you know his mother's name?

Think we just found our Jocktober target.

Time to contact FUPA.

This is great. He has seen them and the bug him. Good work!

And thanks to YT's digital fingerprint, I can't re-upload the striked videos to a new channel. They get taken down instantly. Joe wins. I'm not nearly autistic enough to compete with this italian faggot.

Just export them out of whatever DAW you're using again with a touch of compression or eq on the master and it should go under the radar. Or send the file to a member on here to upload to a shared password account.


Google "tube sites that don't give a fuck about copyright" and continue, please.

which one of you sweet boys backed these up?

mirrors are in order.

Doesn't he do a bunch of impressions?

You'd swear it was the real people

Upload them on Pirate Bay and everyone here with a YouTube account can download and repost them. Or put them on vimeo or I didn't even get a chance to hear the Bill Burr episode yet. Fuck you, Matarese.

How hard would it be to go through and submit copyright takedown requests on all of his videos?

In theory it wouldn't be hard at all. Check for him using literally any outside media source and you could, in theory, claim you own the copyright to it.

YouTube usually doesn't investigate before they take videos down.

Alright, well by his logic I just need to find instances of him doing impersonations and start reporting. Hoping others will do the same.

Do u have these anywhere else? I missed the last 2 and I really wanna listen.

Might just let it die off - Joe's only gonna keep coming and given he literally has nothing better to do than block people and take down videos, I just don't have the time to play this cat and mouse game with a hypersensitive fag.

Please post em on I never got a chance to see these and I really want to

Are you gonna post them somewhere else or not you fucking ass?

LOL - check the stickied post

Just shut up and do what I tell you.

fuck i didn't even know what those videos were till now, and i missed out! god damn i hate joe matarese!!

Whaaaaaaaattttt!!!!!! That is bullshit!!!!! How in th world does joe think this is going to work out well for him!!!

Yeah it would be really funny if u protest this and win. And do more videos.

You're making some powerful enemies my friend. Tread lightly.

"Watch your back I'm italian..."

I know Italian people...

what copyright? His name?

It’s a shame too, the bill burr one was hilarious. I was all in on this series.

I didn't even get to listen to it yet...

Take away the favorite thing of a couple of thousand sociopaths who pride themselves in destroying lives. What could go wrong?

What a fucktard.

Have you considered taking Matsrese to The People's Court?

Just don't tell them you're a pedophile.

the last guy who did, won his case though

Dude that was fake? I swore it was Joe losing his mind mocking more famous that dude is a huge pussy.

I for one don't care for Joe Matarese.

Do a final episode, Joe Matarese interviews Joe Matarese.

He does realize that by taking the podcasts down he acknowledged that it bothers him and things will be worse?

Someone should post them all on streamable or something and keep it as a sticky on the sub.

ugh let me guess, he was born in 1967. find out his high school, first pet and favorite food you have his password.

Get this on SNN

What you were doing is 100% legal. Parody and criticism

Just file a counter notification and the videos will immediately return.

"Finish that, there's no eating in the car."

I'm not proud of how long it took me while listening to the first one to realize it wasn't actually him. I don't know what the real Joe Matarese sounds like and I thought it was pretty funny and people needed to give him a break. I am a dullard.

....I never listened because I listened to one and it sounded so goddamn boring, like his podcast would be, and figured fuck it I'm good.

You'd swear it was the real people