Are any of you medicated? Please list your mental illness/ mood disorder and medication.

2  2017-09-28 by Proptrash

Bipolar 1. Lamictal


I'm addicted to life and having a damned good time, babe ;)

What's it like having fulfillment?


Your positivity is really infectious, like my aids.

Anxiety, ADHD, Lower back pain

Xanax, Adderall, Percocet

Doesn't the xans and adderall mix fuck you up?


well said.

Of course it does. That is why he went into laying haul trucking.

It's the best combo in the world as long as you don't drink on it.


Trifecta, you lucky fuck.

Prescription speedball ...... Niccce!

I have to take fish oil and vitamin supplements.

Pretty hardcore unless you compare it to Joe Matarese obviously.

Anxiety and low dose of Zoloft

Same here. 75mgs up in this muuuuug.

I have aids so I rape virgins to cure it

I take St John's Wort for my schizophrenia

Silly Goose type 2. Valium, Selegiline, Armodafinil, Moclobemide, Heroin, Piracetam, Pregabalin, Ethanol, Sildenafil, Temazepam, Cocaine, Thiamine, Tianeptine, Ranitadine ... & a multi-vitamin.

Lyrica is a personal favorite

No. I am English. I just repress everything and die unhappy like a normal human being.

But Peter Gabriel went to therapy.



He's a doctor on the British TV ( not trannies lol ) who sleeps in a phone booth with a young girl.

He's a she now. Keep up.

You leave u/Stinksskc out of this.

nitrefazole, suloctdyl, kratom, vioxx, and propulsid

I am married with a wife and children. Booze and weed helps with those ailments.

like sherrod says I gots da sugar an da pressure. i take jenuvia and lisinopril for it. hopefully wont need it after my gastric surgery next year!

try Trulicity and throw up in public.

illness: sick fawkin puppy

medication: a mug of cootah juice

i just got put on prozac

Tsss yeah what about conmiri or sumpthin

😏 dats funny knicks

I no

Im gay

Paranoid schizophrenia. Zoloft and geodon. In the last year ive been on risperdal, abilify, vistaril, doxepin, trazodone, ativan and cogentin.

I was misdiagnosed with depression before i went truly psychotic.

Repressing the feelings of my dad dying 3 months ago, I hate my mom and I'm an only child. Kratom and modafinil during the day to numb my feelings and keep me alert enough to not get fired. Some booze more often than not at night.

Lexapro baby! Or as it's called here in Canada, Cipralex.

Gabapentin for the anxiety that I used to self-medicate for with ever mood-altering substance under the sun, so consequently...

Suboxone for opioid use disorder

Probably depressed: weed and alcohol, the occasional pill

Major depression. Citalopram & Lorazepam

You ever suck dick for adderall?!