Jim's boyfriend is 20.

61  2017-09-28 by Dennyislife

He is 49. Dating a man from Europe who pretends to be a girl who cannot even enter the united states.


It's not real you dope.

Then why is he wasting our time on this lame bullshit. This has been going on a month.

The bit is there is no payoff, Big Cat 101.

the man toppled radio empires, clearly he has a lot of lessons to teach us.

So stupid. Why not just pretend to be a girl who can enter the United States?

I identify as a billionaire.

Zimbabwean dollar billionaire. nigger.

You have a billion peckas in your mouth.

what an unimaginative piece of garbage

Because then he would have to see jimmy more and not string the dumb rich old American along

Because his sexual fetishes must be the most interesting ways possible. He can't have a cam whore tranny boyfriend from boring America. It must be a classy European one.

I don't blame him for wanting a European over an American. When you're in Europe, sex seems sexier.

I'm about 99% sure its this one. Princessalena on chaturbate. https://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/335604/perfect-body-preop-has-shower/

Hope its this one that looks like Anthony https://www.ashemaletube.com/model/ts-jessie-rawk-4652/

Did you read comments under video? only one a month ago ozzy88 as in 1988 when jimmy was 20 also

I am so confused, what is Jim's real dating situation?


He fell in love with some Euro trash tranny cam whore who isn't allowed to come to America. He's having the worst week ever thinking he's going to have to marry him and also Ozzy didn't want to see him and Mike Tyson showed they aren't friends like he believed. He may kill himself soon.

If Jimmy wants to be remembered as a hero, immediately before taking his own life he'll murder Sam Roberts.

*an hero.

Jim was an Hero

To bitch about his eggs

He'll always be an Hero

Whose Sh-im can't enter our states

How do you a) not rhyme b) rhyme "eggs" with Gregg, pegs, puppet legs, kickstarter begs, etc.

Because I'm not as talented as Brother Joe Cumia with my lyrical stylings.


I don't hate Sam like most people here, but upon reflection, this really does seem like the best timeline.

Community sucked

I missed Tyson, what did he do to hurt the worm?

Jim has always acted like they're pals and Mike called in and didn't give a fuck about him.

What the fuck did Jim think? One of the top 2-3 greatest boxers of all time, if not #1 outright, wants to talk to a comedian who pretends to be a retarded caricature of Opie Hughes?

Yes. He thinks he's one of the few who understand The Real Mike Tyson. he views Tyson as a tortured artist who society just doesn't understand. Tyson was a mentally ill guy who was really good at beating the shit out of people and made millions and millions of dollars doing so. It's so embarrassing. He's so clearly not a fan of just good boxers who knocked the shit out of people. I can't think of any boxer he's talked about besides Tyson and Floyd Mayweather (and Jake LaMotta but not his boxing career.) Not even another tragic figure like Gerald McClellan.

Has Jim ever brought up Rocky Marciano or Joe Louis? Because if not, then you're right, he has no real passion for the sport, he's just a modern name star fucker.

Fuck no. Not even Ali outside of making fun of him with Anthony's impression.

Even on the Rogan show where he watched Canelo vs. GGG Joe says "he's a god in Mexico" and Jim asks which one he means.

Jimmy "Girlfriend-level Sports Acumen" Norden never sleeps.

Because he's got fat apnea.

Good call on that last one, caught in a very interesting wiki/youtube loop the last hour!

Yeah, he was great. Check out Julian Jackson too. He was another middleweight with incredible KO power.

Cool, I actually ended up reading about Michael Watson's incredibly similar career-ending crisis, guess it's the Nigel Benn connection. British boxing is taken very seriously by its drunken fans

I thought they broke up? I'm behind

I think they did at one point. Like a "we can't be together!" thing after the dude found out he couldn't get a visa or whatever. But they were back on yesterday according to what I've read (I wasn't going to listen to that abortion of a show with the shirtless faggot and Nikki Glaser.)

They broke up over the weekend. By tuesday he was talking about marriage again.

Is he being extremely vague about it?

How do y'all know it's a 20 yr old?

He said it

For real? that's hilarious

I tried dating a 19yr old when I was 25, and even that shit made me feel old. I couldn't stand the dumb new shit she liked on TV.

I'd totally lose interest after I jizzed on her face. Cant imagine being a 50yr old. Plus breaking it off is always a joy too, handled it with the maturity of a 20yr old.

That's not even the worst thing he's done with a 19 year old. Remember the one he met after a show who invited him back to her apartment. Which sounds fine, but she had a boyfriend there so they just all watched TV together.

I love that whole story so much. He was worried that she wouldn't have any good food, so he brought his own salad to what he thought was a first date. Then she invited her actual boyfriend over, so he left...but went back to get a fucking $10 salad instead of just leaving it.

He may be the world's biggest faggot.

Jesus christ.

nothing turns a girl on more than bringing a bagged salad and almonds over for a date, skinny little worm

Nothing wrong with a 25 yr old going with a 19 yr old, it's only 6 years. A 49 yr old and a 20 yr old though, that'll never work unless you're loaded and paying her. And a 49 yr old "dating" a 20 yr old he/she is like walking around wearing an "I'm dysfunctional" sign around your neck.

Yeah but that's not the case when you fly to meet her, take her out to $500 meals in other countries and all she she can offer is her body in return. It's a 50/50 relationship between two people at the same level in life.

My Dad has sailed all over the world, and he has all kinds of bizarre stories about this subculture in the third world. Basically there's a lot of sixty and seventy year old guys who retire to places like the Philippines. These guys basically spend the rest of their life banging 20 year old whores. Because the cost of living is so low out there, these guys can basically do it forever. But the whole thing sounds like a real weird scene. 70yo dudes partying like they're in college.

Oh I agree, it's fucking weird. He doesn't seem to understand that an ongoing sex hook-up relationship isn't "love", he's renting pussy (in this case penis), not "dating".

I agree with all of that, but dammit their pussies just feel BETTER somehow. I was a total man whore for a while, and I had four GFs. Three were in their mid 30s and one was 23. While the 23yo was insufferable, the sex was just magical. And she wasn't even good at it, she just had a magical vagina.

I am literally going through this right now. I'm 37 and just dumped a 22 year old. Never again.

Seems like a good idea at the time didnt it? I bet she was all into the relationship idea before you. Probably one of those standard lessons in life that's worth living out to learn from

What a shitty week for Yimmy.

The Tyson interview got better towards the end.

But the issue was Jim went in thinking Tyson was going to be all "OMG MY BEST PAL JIM NORTON!" and he acted like it was any other interview he'd do that day. He has a bad habit of a celebrity being nice to him and thinking they're friends and not just a celebrity being nice to a radio host.

Yeah he does set himself up to be embarrassed.

God set him up to be embarrassed

Tyson was awake for 35 seconds before the interview started and he never left his bed during the entire thing.

I'm pretty sure Tyson was wasted during that call. He did just break his back.

Why isn't she allowed to come to the US? Criminal convictions? There's a fuckin' visa waiver in force between all the bits of Europe any sensible person would choose to live in and the US, surely? You let me in, twice.

He was very vague. He didn't give details, just say he wasn't allowed in so Jim would have to go back to Europe if they were going to see each other again.

He's allowed into Canada though.

He said on stage that she admitted to the Norway police for smoking hash. Somehow that barred her from entering the U.S.

Then "she" needs to stay away from Jim before he goes back to his dark addiction ways.

He cant kiss a person that has smoked drugs in the last few years! That'll send Jimmy into a tailspin of zimas

He? So its for sure a tranny?

In other words, Jim fell in love with a sex worker. The sex worker knows how to seperate men from their dollars, that's what they do for a living. Being a good sex worker isn't about the sex, it's mostly about being a therapist for lonely old rich men.

There's probably no reason they can't go to the US, besides the fact that they don't want to. He/she/it probably likes their life and has no intention of moving.

TLDR: Jim Norton is getting played by a whore

he still hasn't learned anything from the girl who snatched his glasses "for wasting her time."

Ukrainian/Russians have a tough time coming here, I imagine that's why.

Can someone compile this?

If Jim kills himself I'll be very sad.

How do you know? Drama is fun. Where can I find more?

It's what people who listened to J&S said.

I could be wrong, but I don't think he's said much more than this person he's in a relationship with is not American and would have difficulty being admitted to the US. I don't think he confirmed what country this person is actually from (but Europe is a good guess), this person's age (but it's an easy assumption he or she would be in her or her 20s) nor this person's gender (Jim refers to her as female, but we all know how nebulous that title can be).

This isn't a real relationship. It's a mid-life trainwreck.

he should splurge on a sweet Miata

"Does that have one of those sticks? I don't know how to drive a car with one of those sticks. That seems difficult. Can you drive one of those cars with a stick? How do you learn to do that? WHO DOES THAT?!"

Jim, probably

The man who thinks not being able to use a stove counts as an interesting personality trait.

Jim once said Mustangs are terrible because they are rear wheel drive...the man is a dope

Is that “her” name?

breaking up and getting back together a couple of times a week. yuck.

Mid-life, this nigga not gonna live to be 120.


And the funniest part is that he's doing this to be "normal". This is him settling down.

She was in high school two years ago. Jim needs to realize he's too fucking old for this. Find a nice woman in her mid thirties and fucking stop.

Even ant is claiming mid 20's is his age now

The rule with Ant's stated age of preference is deduct a decade. Needless to say this rule made the comment Ant made a few years ago about 13 year old girls very troubling.

Thats like Hitler being mildly annoyed by the Jews.

He's gay, he doesn't want a woman.

Jim is 49, but he hasn't even been living on his own for 15 years yet. He is so emotionally stunted dating a 20-year-old is just about right I think. Especially since he at least picked the right gender this time.

Jim needs to realize he's too fucking old for this

there are only a handful of trannies that look attractive at 30. and like a half dozen that will look good at 40. Bailey Jay started looking bad at 30 and might as well go back to being a man by the time she's 40.

I feel like the good tier of transgender girl has just started in this generation. I don't know if it's fair to evaluate them like that quite yet. Bailey Jay still looks really good.

christ she isn't even 30 yet. also lets be honest. if it was a regular woman her size, no one here would be so into her.

This one ends with Norton finally eating a bullet. Poor little fella

Will Chip live on through someone else doing him like Tony Clifton?

Nikki Glaser was astounded at how sexy and gorgeous this person was in the video Jim showed her on this mornings show.

Nikki was also quite inquisitive about vagina type and Jim was evasive.

When Dd he say thi


Got any pictures?You know....just for proof, not to tug my pud

Sad part is, this is Jim's legit attempt at being a normal human man.

I know, lol.

I think it's hilarious

Jim and Anthony are both examples of what happens to men when they reach old age without a wife.

IMO they do it for different reasons. Anthony wants young pussy because he wants to make up for his wasted youth and "show everyone" how he's getting young women now. He's dabbling around with freaks and weirdos out of sheer boredom as his hedonistic urges become harder and harder to satiate.

Jimmy is far more tragic, he's obviously mentally unwell and gets no satisfaction at all from normal sex with normal women (or men as the case may be). Indulging his perverse desires has left him an emotional cripple who confuses someone indulging his bizarre fetishes with "love" and to indulge those fetishes he's forced himself to fraternize with freaks and weirdos in the sex trade, as very few normal people would indulge his weird urges.

Jim doesn't strike me as a guy who would appreciate a friend telling him the blunt truth of how dating this 20 year old foreign tranny is not going to end well.

I wonder if he's paying this tranny's rent yet?

Not 100% but I think Jim's girlfriend is PrincessAlena from Chaturbate. 1) She's trans, 2) she's 5 foot 11 (jim said this was her height on the air), 3) she lives in Norway, 4) shes very popular on chaturbate so Jim would not have missed her, and 5) she happens to be 20 years old. All shit Jim said on the air. Ding ding ding.

Photos... I mean whatever. Who cares.

Ewww he's not even a pretty she. Just gross looking. Are there any other pictures to compare this grossness?

There are tons just type princessalena chaturbate into google and click images. 'Shes' very popular.

When did he say she's trans? I must've missed that.

How great would it be if Jim pressured her into marriage only to get divorced soon after and lose half his shit, leading him to start drinking again and getting 'the spins' and throwing up on himself. Oof we can dream can't we?