Has Patrice advice worked for any of y'all?

2  2017-09-28 by RBuddCumia

G'on now


Yes. My common law wife plans to crowd fund a documentary that will never be released and use the money for vacations after I eat myself to death.

Too soon.

Yeah. I like to take intentionally horrific, sloppy diarrhea shits and force my fame-hungry fiance to wipe it up.

patrice gave good advice on diets

So far so good. I eat nonstop without regard to diet or nutrition. It luxurious. What could go wrong?

You could be given the nickname "8 Toe."


He taught me to avoid anyone that remotely reminds me of Dante Nero. It was the most valuable lesson of my life.

Comprehensive List of Acceptable Male Jewelry:

1.) Watch

2.) Wedding Ring

a majority of the time you just look like a drunk fuck, but being an asshole to the hottest girl in the room has worked a few times.

When I first got with my current girlfriend I was on a huge Patrice kick (he had just died) and would always be listening to him around her. I just assume thats why shes been the most tolerable peice of cootah ive ever stuck my pecka in.

pics or gtfo

I guess I stay healthy because of people like him. The world needs me for as long as possible obviously.

The world needs me for as long as possible obviously.

Yeah but what about after your pet salamander dies?

I get another.

How about you get a tumour.

Being that I don't date ghetto black chicks, no

I only date mid-level Jews.

Yes. His advice during The Genesis of Black Philip was solid, although the two hosts couldn't believe that actual man shit would work with females.

Patrice was kind of a failure that believed in retarded conspiracy theories. I think that sums up most of him really. He wasn't profound. He's just dead

Troll harder goof ball

Patrice was a big black doofus.

Yeah, if you just wanna fuck, Patrice's advice is solid and pretty fool proof.

It's about weeding out non sluts and girls with self esteem quickly

then quickly making them value your opinion, to the point they crave your acceptance

It's basically "pimp brain washing" for dummies

Yeah it works, but it's not for relationships that will have any longevity

Lose your ego