Watch out! This guy marches to the beat of his own drum!

49  2017-09-28 by unclepaul84


if he only knew of sick people are of the eccentric comedian, youre 50 and not "fixed," w/e the fuck that even means, then this is your personality until the grave

He doesn't give a hoot what you think!

Except the part where he makes his Twitter private

It's like he's with a therapist but he's using a microphone to help him get it all out. Mind = blown

He should teach this form of therapy!

I bet more people could benefit from working out their troubles through their art!

That fellow's much too young to be a qualified therapist.

If where it says Joe matarese is his real handwriting then he definitely needs some fixing. Lol I love the zany character.

Does he not see how transparent his attempt to portray himself as a crazy, tortured and misunderstood artist is? Everything he does has some reference to him being in therapy and being on psychiatric drugs. Does he really think this makes him look edgy and dangerous? It's really pathetic

The answers to your questions are no and yes, respectively.

Fish oil pills is a real addiction

This guy is doing the whole obnoxious Marc Maron "I'm so crazy but still trying to be charming and likeable" Schtick. Except Marc Maron is occasionally funny.

is this guy capable of taking one natural looking photo?

This 53 year old is way too proud of the mild antidepressants he's on. He takes a low does of celexa and adderall and thinks he's this tragic character.

I don't wanna presume too much here, but I think this Matarese fella here might be hammering home this "metal issues" gimmick a tad much...

Like his growing aversion to a certain tin-knocker?

Man this guys so crazy

A total headcase

Warning for anyone who dares to watch his comedy: things get a little wacky, so be prepared!