In all seriousness: What is this subs' take on the Jews?

3  2017-09-27 by TangerineReam

I only ask curiously because I find all that talmudic jewish conspiracy stuff to be a lot of hooey. I work real estate in NY, so I see them all the time and I'm not denying that there's some internal nepotism within the religion (aka: Jews only helping out other Jews or other people that make money for Jews).

But claiming that the holocaust was a hoax, or grossly overestimated as far as it's body count? Or that they're behind the downfall of society these days, as if SJW and the regressive left are being controlled by them, and that they don't have their own group autonomy or their own agenda?

I'm guess I'm just saying: convince me. What evidence you got...


genetic cult

SOME internal nepotism just some

I think its really silly that people of european descent think palestine is their homeland

what about the Sephardim/Mizrahim? They make up over half of Israeli jews and are genetically Arabs?

Theyre the legit ones

They can be bothersome with there cultural marxism and there rabid zionism but their women have some of the best tits i have ever had the pleasure of motorboating

do you have any personal pics/other examples? Maybe I was with the wrong ones.

It's what you said, nepotism. I think Israel does have some wackos really trying to push things politically, and Jews look out for each other.

I do think the holocaust numbers might be a little higher than what's reported. To what extent, I don't know. There was a lot of ridiculous numbers reported and "facts".

They claimed the six million numbers in newspapers 1915-38

"They" didn't, but a handful of newspapers did. Numbers are weird, sometimes they recur.

Do you totally ignore the studies that arrived at that rough 6,000,000 number, or are you unaware of them, or do you just not care? Have you studied this?

who wrote those articles dumbass?

people act like liberals and jews only starting treating people like shit when twitter was invented.

Jews have always been such shitty journalists


you're responding to a guy who has the Nazi anthem as a user name


Vermin that’s infected America

Observation-- There is a predominance of Irish bars and liquor stores

Conclusion-- there is a worldwide Irish conspiracy to slowly poison and control the masses

How bout you shut yer fooking pie hole about that before someone comes over there and shuts it fer ye?

The Republic of Ireland has never declared war, held positions of international power, invaded another nation or exterminated a native population

Nailing a fucking bicycle onto the wall, scattering Guinness merchandise around and calling it an Irish bar is cute though

except there isnt. how many "Irish bars" and "Irish pubs" are owned by actual Irish person?

If "Irish pub" was a franchise it would be bigger than "Hard Rock Caffe" (or whatever franchise is big now)

And it would be owned by jew probably.

Well Jesus kicked them out for usury. King Edward III kicked them out for usury (nobility couldn't offered to pay loans back to Jewish lenders) The third Reich kicked them out for usury. The market crashed in 2008 because (((Lehman Brothers))) and other (((banks))) signed high interest mortgages to people who couldn't afford them (usury).

I'm sure it's just coincidence though haha. We shouldn't infer a pattern, just keep your head below the parapet goy.

Edward I banned usury "Statute of the Jewry" 1275 then in 1279 went after them for coin clipping executed about 300 heads of households.Finally in 1290 "Edict of Expulsion" jews got the "Heeb ho" These hook nosed pirates have the record of being booted from 130 countries

Hold your horses. Jesus kicked out the money lenders and merchants, according to all the gospels (though with different timelines) not because they were Jews but because they were doing commerce instead of praising god. Of course, everyone in a temple, especially "that" temple, the Temple in Jerusalem at that time would be a Jew; merchant, woman, Jesus or otherwise. The messages of those gospels can be read many ways, but the most obvious one is anti-capitalist, as is so much of the Jesus myth.

I've heard it said they have such big noses because air is free, but I can't verify that one way or the other.

I despised jews before I moved to NYC and now hooooo boy....

It's illegal to deny the holocaust.

It is against the law and, if you're famous enough, punishable with time served in federal question the details of the holocaust.

You can go to jail and serve time with criminals if you publicly have an opinion about the exact particulars during a time of propaganda (on both sides)

It is deemed a transgression, a sin, a indiscretion, a openly express a sentiment that includes the word 'maybe' in regards to the holocaust.

....and that's all I have to say about that.

I'm envious of them.

Throw them all down the well

They destroy societies. I'm sure those hundreds of societies that booted them out throughout the centuries were all crazy. We saved them in ww2, they came here and turned us all into niggers and faggots. Look into who runs the media companies and news orgs.

The problem isn't any one individual Jew. I've even met some Jews I like. The problem is their collective motion. Patrice talked about how some black people all know the same stuff without having to say it out loud. The same is true with Jews. Whether they're from the right or the left, they collectively, subconsciously promote an anti-White, pro-Jew agenda. They also have a strangle over academia and the media, powerful tools they use to shape the mind of the sheeple.

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