So did we ever find out details about that serious shit Ant did?

11  2017-09-27 by momomike

remember how Opie found out about some stuff Ant was doing behind the scenes, and he was told he couldn't talk about it. remember he vaguely described it as being really serious? i know he didn't tell jim because they're not close, but I'm just so curious what Ant was doing behind the scenes that Opie couldn't even mention it publicly. surely it wasn't all a lie, right?


opie has no friends

Opie also worked for the mob, but he can't talk about it. And he's got lots of job offers right now, but he can't talk about it. And a big announcement coming soon!

Opie is Beta-Scorch.

Should I tease it for another month??

He's in Underwater Fight Club, too, but he can't talk about it.

Ant threw a party in 2015 at Carolines to celebrate one year of his network (before he had to rebrand it after his DV). One of the invited guests was former O&A producer and Opie nemesis Ben Sparks. Opie believes Ben was behind the Bam sex tape rumors. At this party, someone, perhaps Anthony, gave Ben Opie's cellphone number, which led to some late night drunken texts that Opie blew up into threats against his family.

So basically, Opie needed to have something solid to vaguely blame and hate Anthony for, and this childish string of events qualified.

That's exactly it. The texts were supposedly taunts about how he blames Opie for Steve C killing himself and letting him know how much Steve hated him. He was also claiming he was going to get a bunch of ex-employees together to file a lawsuit against him.

where ya getting all this from, guy?

lingur longerrrr

Put two and two together. Ben was at Anthony's party. Opie starts getting phone calls from Ben. Days later he's mad at Anthony. Anthony might not have done it, but Opie definitely thought he did it.

This was 8+ years of not talking off the air, Ant definitely had something to do with it, they were probably all bashing Opie and somebody, maybe not Ant himself, gave Ben Opie's number.

I imagine every part at Ants had some Opie bashing, but then he could look around and see everything it paid for, so he shut his fucking mouth on air.

It was pretty clear in the whole Greggshells period. I can't cite specifics, but I'm pretty confident that this was the gist of it.

Yeah, it's the timeline that all but confirms it. Nothing official was ever said. But look at Anthony's party that we know Ben was at then the calls then the Opie & Jim fight and it all lines up.

He thought Antnt was behind an Opie parody Twitter account that had to have come from someone on the staff of the show.

Hadn't the twitter feed been done years before that? I thought the reason people claimed Patrice was doing it was because it seemed to have stopped right before he had the stroke.

It was years before, but someone told Opie much later that it was Ant and he got all butt hurt about it.

Honestly, given what Podacast is and that Jimmy has accounts for all of his characters I think he's far more likely to have done it than Anthony.

Anthony would have slipped into racism/Islam ranting and given it away at some point.

I think someone was just feeding Opie bullshit for the lols. It would have been a producer behind the twitter account.

So, Sam.

Yeah, I think he was still on good terms with Roland, ERock and Travis in 2010-11.

And he may have been on good terms with Sam then too, but only one was made in his douchey, no-talent, shit-stirring image, and that one was Sam Roberts.


Fuck, I think Danny Ross implied Ant was behind bizarro Opie on Twitter

thats what someone says when they dont have SHIT but want you to side with them. opie is a lying bumbling cunt