Hot women who don't have sex with me deserve to suffer

59  2017-09-27 by Single_Action_Army


That's the spirit!

You should put that on a t shirt

Faaaaaawkin A, brotherman. Let's get that trending.


Ya! You should force yourself on them, so they see what they're missing.

When did we become /r/islam?

I didn't say "little boys," but the same goes for them

Also goats. They fuck goats.

He said women, not little girls

You mean /r/incel

My favorite sub

Chad and Stacy are just my absolute favorites

Jesus that sub is depressing. So those guys want pussy but every chick who fucks is a whore? Is that the nonsensical attitude of these guys?

They are not very reasonable grumps.

fuck it. i'm 28, got laughed at on my first time because of my 3 inch dick. i'm short and ugly. but i'm getting out. i'm not giving up on this shit. i'll find someone, even if i get laughed at twenty more times, a hundred even, i know someone will love me. i know not everything is lost and i know people suck, but hating on women is getting me nowhere. i'm not growing old alone. if my dick is the problem, we can always use toys, i don't mind. we'll have a good sex life regardless. i'm changing my looks. i'll never be handsome, but i refuse to let myself smell, be messy, i refuse to let myself go. there are people in worse situations, i have a job, i'm smart enough, i hate what i'm going through but i still love life in the end.

i want kids, maybe i'll never have them biologically, but i can always adopt. i'll have a wife and we'll have a little girl, i'll be their hero, their protector. i don't care if it takes me more 20 years, i don't care. i won't break.

i wish you all the same.

edit: thank you for the support. this is going to be hard, maybe i really am doomed, maybe i'm not. i'll update in a few months. i'll be as honest as i possibly can, even if i get burned and shot down over and over again. the reason i'll update is not to anger or gloat, it's just because i've been lurking this sub for a long loooong while now, and i don't think it'd be so bad to have someone go out and then document the experience. it could be great, it could be hell. i'm not giving up. as it stands, i'm still an incel. if i did manage to get out, then by the next post i'll leave this sub for good.

I actually feel good for him and hope he succeeds (which he will, even if only a little)

aww you relate to fruitcakes

I want him to get a girlfriend just so I can fuck her, and then tell her she's a filthy whore and to hit the bricks, and she will run back and tell him.

Theyre whores even if that dont fuck

Who do you draw more inspiration from, Big Jay or Elliot Rodgers?

The rest do too.

This better be above 60 points when I come back

Hot women who do have sex with you are suffering too!
Hey alright I'm just joshin' you pal. Get home safe.

Because his fawkin pecka is so big!!!


That's why you gotta grow your own pair of tits

And an Un-clit

Big Jay, is that you?

Sounds about right

suffrage as in have the right to vote or suffer as in live in agony?

ok Big Jay

They don't deserve to die, but you deserve to kill them.

.. and? Opie had big tits. Why turn this thread into an echo chamber?

Don't take it too hard, it's only because you're genetically undesirable.

Settle down there, Elliot Rodger.

Elliot Rodger in the sheets, Dan Cilley on the streets.

Can't we kill them all either way? They bitch too much.

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I think we found a guest for the Brian on the Brink podcast!!!

I didn't give you permission to post my journal entries. Just because they were scrawled on the inside of my ex girlfriends medicine cabinet in my own blood doesn't mean you can just blabber them around town.