How O&A really should have ended.

42  2017-09-27 by ItsScorchhhh


What the fuck?

Saw it on my Facebook feed and thought you'd assholes would appreciate the absurdity of it.

Pure pottery.

Yes, but we know Bert & Ernie would really be 69ing in their final moments.

unfriend the person who posted it.

not how i though that was going to end, but it works.

If Anthony had minutes to live he would go down ranting about how the blacks and liberals caused the nuclear war. Opie would enjoy a grapefruit beer before trying to film one last viral video.

Well I'd like to think some of the parts were accurate. The bottle would be cleared with Anthony in the room, and I can picture Erock using his stomach as a battery ram trying to get in

He's got a Energizer bunny belly or sumthin.

His belly has seen more drumsticks than that bunny ever will.

It's like a....a battery ram!

This mushroom cloud is gonna get a fawkin ton of views

This nuclear Holocaust video is going to go viral, brotherman.

I know some thingss

Burt & Opie

I feel like their radio career went better than O&As.

One to the back of the head for each, then cut to black Sopranos style.

"What is it about nu-clee-yur bombs that make them so big?"

I would watch an O&A sex tape.