Gavin McInnes: Virtue-Signaling Cuck Extraordinare

21  2017-09-27 by NRL4F1


He really is pathetic. I don't know if this is just his natural weakness or if CRTV which also hosts Cucking With Crowder are just controlling him with some decent shekels.

The money guy behind CRTV is a jew who made his fortune giving government backed loans to college students.

No, but the free market (that is heavily regulated with lots and lots of prohibitive laws and skewing special interests) let him achieve such a virtuous life. Venerate the entrepreneur, Sir.

Well now he's a VERY controlled mouthpiece.

Anyone who is worried about what Dante Nero thinks obviously had their priorities right.

He fucked a lot of ladies and has a job as a cable repair man at age 50.

He also salsa dances

So alpha

That I want to see since that mongoloid can barely walk.

He walks like he has a poopy diaper.

I hope none of you rascals are spamming his anal self-violation vid to sites like these. We're not looking to undermine his 'credibility', after all.

What the fuck is virtue signaling? All this sjw word use is incredibly annoying

pretty fucking self explanatory

It really is infuriating and anyone who uses these terms should immediately be branded as worthless.

Literally signaling your virtue - publicly taking "the right" (read: the liberal) stance on an issue for positive reinforcement without doing anything else.

It's pretty much Tony Danza going "thoughts and prayers" after hearing some old hag's cat died last year or whatever. French flag filters on facebook feeds after a mass shooting to show "you stand with the people of France". Ranting about Nazis in a way that makes it seem that if you don't take a public pro-Nazi stance like I'm doing right now, you're a secret Nazi sympathizer.

I still don't understand how Gavin is virtue signaling here. We break Ant's balls for obsessing over black crime shit and pushed backed when this sub got all /r/T_D with the Trump posts. No one here was offended or trying to get liberal cred by 'signaling', it was just boring.

Gavin seems to be saying the same shit basically, just in a douchier way.

It's gatekeeping. Remember when Amy Schumer did like a Beyonce parody music video and all the SJWs turned on her for being offensive? This is the same coin, different side. Crazed fringe alt-righters gatekeeping Gavin for being not pro-white enough.

Ant is not wrong about it though. Just obsessed

Never said he was. Nor is Gavin, who the fuck wants to hang out in another FB clone of StormFront. That's some youtube comment quality content.

Thank you

No, retard. Youre missing the point about virtue signalling in that its a behaviour whose purpose is to affirm ones place in a social group. Your definition above is as much virtue signalling to the right wing cucks here as your french flag filter is to "liberals".

That's not the "point" of virtue signaling either dummy. You took literally one aspect of it (affirming one's place in a designated social group) and are now pretending you "got one over" on me. The point of virtue signaling is publicly going on record to say you're a good person.

The right virtue signals their issues all the time. This whole shit with boycotting the NFL because the players won't stand during the anthem is pure conservative virtue signaling your patriotism. I'D STAND FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EVERY TIME GOD DAMN NIT! Buying some corny ass "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker from Target and plastering it on your minivan. Trump holding up a rainbow flag and saying he'll be the best President to the LGBT community then trying to pass legislation where pastry chefs in Kansas don't have to serve gays.

I just use the NFL thing as an excuse to bash niggers.

Virtue signalling

Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group. The term was first used on the blog LessWrong in February 2009, and then incorporated in 2010 within the framework of signalling theory to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious. Since 2015, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative characterization by commentators to criticize what they regard as the platitudinous, empty, or superficial support of certain political views, and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing outward appearance over substantive action. This more recent usage of the term has been criticized for misusing the concept of signalling and encouraging lazy thinking.

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It's the idea that people you disagree with only publicly announce their beliefs to look good in front of people you also disagree with, while every position you yourself publicly take is an act of bravery that should really be receiving quite a bit more praise than it currently is.

is this what happens when a reddit post can be made into fancier looking newspaper style op-ed?

More or less

It is clear that alcohol-fueled homoeroticism is all the Proud Boys, led by McIness, will ever accomplish.

That writer has to lurk here.

When Gavin finally creates the Proud Ladyboys half this sub will be subscribing

definition of a beta male

To be fair; everything changed after Charlottesville. But if Gavin -even Milo- were any kind of thinker, then they would have seen this coming months before it happened. Milo is also backpedalling from the alt-right, but that outcome at Charlottesville was almost inevitable. They should have avoided doubling-down as hard as they did while vetting the white nationalists that were trying to jump on board a year ago.

Gavin is just some myopic, naive dummy in the end, and Milo has no substance to him.

what happened in charlottesville?

Retarded Cosplayers held up a mirror to Identity Liberals, who finally saw how they look to everybody else. They've done nothing about it and doubled down on their delusion.

'Nazi' kid driving car got spooked by spooks and rammed it into a bunch of other cars during one of those everybody walking on the streets protests

A behemoth of a lady was in the vicinity and had a heart attack. People blame nazis and the story is she was killed by the car and no one does or should give enough of a shit to feel the need to clear up the story. But it's still sleazy and untrue.

It was reminiscent of Trayvon and Mike Brown how shamelessly the media used a very forgiving tinder-esque picture of the woman rather than any other photo that would show her healthy 400+ pound frame. The only difference is maybe those two young boys would have escaped their ghetto while this woman's heart attack is undoubtedly the peak of her potential

The lady was repugnant

You're not wrong.

Only faggots changed after Charlottesville. You don't suddenly decide the destruction of your society and race is okay because some fat coal burner couldn't read the instructions on a dodge challenger. Fuck off with that kike shit

Why does Gavin feel he has to act like a faggot all the time?

Being a faggot is the new punk rock

Gavin is shit but is the article just suggesting we should be racist to stand up to the media?

We shouldn't?

You know this website is legit, because the popups have closeout animations

gavin is a massive massive cuck faggot. once shitlibs started calling him a nazi he went full homo and instead of just telling them to fuck off and laugh he went full autistic screeching that he wasnt and his wife forced him to leave compound media to join some boomer crtv webcast bs that no one will ever watch. MASSIVE HOMO.

He's a massive homo but is it "PC" to not want your gay men's organization to become a place for bisexual stormfront faggots to talk about how much they hate niggers?

Reading Time: 2 minutes What sort of ADD retarded readership does this site have?

Reading Time: 2 minutes. I've never seen this before, what sort of retarded ADD readership does this site have?

I was on board with him until he started that proud boy shit.

When's he coming out of the closet? Those proud boys should have pride in their gayness.

He really is a master of making the wrong move at the wrong time

Retarded Cosplayers held up a mirror to Identity Liberals, who finally saw how they look to everybody else. They've done nothing about it and doubled down on their delusion.

'Nazi' kid driving car got spooked by spooks and rammed it into a bunch of other cars during one of those everybody walking on the streets protests

A behemoth of a lady was in the vicinity and had a heart attack. People blame nazis and the story is she was killed by the car and no one does or should give enough of a shit to feel the need to clear up the story. But it's still sleazy and untrue.

It was reminiscent of Trayvon and Mike Brown how shamelessly the media used a very forgiving tinder-esque picture of the woman rather than any other photo that would show her healthy 400+ pound frame. The only difference is maybe those two young boys would have escaped their ghetto while this woman's heart attack is undoubtedly the peak of her potential

The lady was repugnant