Nice backpack

7  2017-09-27 by Dennyislife


He's merely enhancing his "13 year old from the '90s" image. Pretty soon we'll see him with a skateboard.

They say senility is a second childhood. ;(

Wtf happened to Ant's face? He looks relatively normal-ugly here, not "cheap hair plugs and horse teeth implants" hideous.

Anthony personifies the "how do you do, fellow kids" meme

Like that fag from LOS

ERock looks like he's just woken up.

I think Ant gave him the ol' Cosby Cocktail.

Or got attacked by a swarm of bees.

Another picture for the Wholesome or uplifting sub.

I got banned from r/happy for commenting that there's a large tub of garlic butter sauce for him in heaven

what the fuck happened to erocks eyes

nigga be ugly

Erock looks permanently sleep deprived.

he was on twitter very late/very early last night/this morning. He is like a less angry Anthony

Except he's looked like that for years now.

I've never seen a 60 year old wear a backpack before

Its one Allah Akbar and Kaboom away from killing Hawaii's idol God of Gluttony

It's a "bug out" bag without a gun, because he's not allowed to own one anymore.

Bag contents: iPhone charger, ipad, oxy pads, stridex pads, empty gun holster, Astroglide, sue's jock strap.

In new york we wear backpacks. whats the bid deal?

I'm extremely sad that you weren't killed on 9/11.

Wheres the Malcolm is the Middle theme song?

Erock got a life-size funco Freddy Kreugger?

His outfit is what me and my dork friends wore to middle school every day between 1996 and 1999