A summary of E-Rock on the A&A Show.

37  2017-09-27 by CormacMcFarty

1) He was an hour and thirty minutes late

2) He looked like shit, holy fuck.

3) He said nothing entertaining or interesting.

4) He's using his severance to take time off to get healthy, made some comment implying his wife was at fault for him being fat, because she doesn't literally smack unhealthy food out of his hands.

He came off as oddly smug and self-confident, for someone who is basically a lazy lump of shit with very little in the way of actual professional and personal accomplishments.


An hour and thirty minutes late? Wtf fat boy.

Time is relative to a person's weight, retard

Time does slow down in a higher gravitational field.

Oh ok, I take back my joke knowing it's accurate

Probably hit another motorcyclist and injured his eye.

So, an average Compound guest.

He said at the end;

"Depending on how things go today I may have an announcement to make at the end of the week."

How unlike him to be vague.

he learned it from the best

Go today? You were an hour and and a half late for a two hour show.

I bet if I get fired from my office job Keith will approach me for a show on his network.

He's joining the FLORIDA FANTASY RADIO CREW CREW CREW CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he said he started fucking kids too

I find it odd that OP completely forgot this part, seems important.

i'm thinking OP might have tuned in an hour and thirty minutes late as well...

Why wouldn't he? He already shares the same interests with them.

Maybe he meant fucking them over and stealing their dolls.

90 minutes late... fat fuck couldn’t cut lunch short to be somewhat on time?

Are you trying to say it wasn't worth paying 22 a month for that one interview? Get the fuck out of here. Next thing you'll tell me is that artie won't stay sober

Stay sober?

$22 a month for Compound Media now?

Something like a third of that.

4 sounds like it could be made into some sort of comedic sketch

Putting together Legos is quite an accomplishment sir.

5) Sit awkwardly and try not to say anything or even move while Anthony and Artie say nigger and make racist jokes.

You guys won't believe this but completely unprompted Anthony went on a rant about the 1974 TV show Good Times that included at least one n-bomb that made E-Rock look like he wanted to crawl under the desk.

I require a link for such a claim. Do you expect me to believe that Anthony Cumia referenced a 45 year-old TV show and used racial humor and epithets on a radio show? That is so unlike him.

New show sounds great! Only $10/m you say?

When was ever not smug despite being worthless? Fuck erock

Uh oh, here come the down votes from the Erock fanboys

Garlic butter saw

Late, fat, smug, and saying nothing of any value?

So it was just regular Hoagie Boy then?

Everyone in that office hated Erik and I completely understand why.

Erik has the personality of a petulant 14 year old. He's not even especially an asshole, he just aggravatingly doesn't take responsibility for his actions. I'd like to say it will bite his ass one day but he's rich, so probably not. OH WELL.

He brings nothing to the table. In any studio anywhere.

He brings nothing to the table

Tell that to his dinner table legs, they could use a break

You dummies got so excited for this appearance lol

Did you not notice over the past thirteen years that Erock is basically a docile cow who happens to know how to talk? There's nothing interesting or worthwhile about him.

6) He used the show to desperately plug the idea of putting old O&A content behind a paywall and wouldn't drop it

His sugary drink was the ultimate call back.

4) He's using his severance to take time off to get healthy, made some comment implying his wife was at fault for him being fat, because she doesn't literally smack unhealthy food out of his hands.

Not surprising. He's the same guy that said he couldn't lose weight during a weight loss challenge because Dr. Ian never sent him a free blender. He should be a lot more hated on this sub than he is.

Back to Erock abuse, I love it.
The sub was getting too cozy to hog tits for a bit

Back to Erock abuse, I love it.
The sub was getting too cozy to hog tits for a bit