How long till Opie gets mad at the soup kitchen manager?

46  2017-09-27 by juanwayne

Yeah, the guys down the hall said were getting new ladles but theyre fawkinn liars. Sniff burppp.


Fawkin' management...Father Patrick and Sister Maria are making me wear a fawkin' hair net

listen fuck-o, I' doing this for free. I don't need this shit, man.

I don't think it's for real

Shhh youre ruining the bit

" They told me to stop saying,Diiiippp, every time I ladle the soup!" Haters

He's probably pretending to be homeless to get free soup. Cheap fuck

He doesn't need to pretend anymore.

How many times do you think he's made sure to tell the homeless who he is while ladling soup into their bowls?

They dont give out da numbas but i gotta guy on the inside who said i serve the most bowls

I've been volunteering since I was 18. I think I know a little bit about this. Okaaay.

If I wanted to I could be serving soup on the USS Denver. They NEED me steering the ship on that thing

maybe he should just sell insurance or something, stop pretending to be good at things he's clearly not

I'm waiting for the suspicious rash of bums that turn up dead, suffocated by their own feces.

Stepping on soup and cakes of homeless people

I bet Opie had to sign a waiver saying he would not stomp on soup bowls after serving them.

“That’s the bit, in the end I took care of them, period”

right now he is the assistant to the assistant-manager

This fawkin' guy wants to tell me what to do? I been using a ladle since I was 18!

Legit thought you were talking about Carl.