How the hell can Jim be so tired?

42  2017-09-27 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He has a job that ends at 11 am, allowing him to take a nap if he needs to be awake for night time stand up. He doesn't drink or socialize, so there is no reason for him to be up later than 1 am. There is no excuse for this "man" being tired at 8 in the morning.


Growing boys are always sleepy.

Especially when you spend half the day fucking them.

You're a disgusting man, have an up vote!

Ban yourself

can I have an up boat as well? doggo power !

It's cause his protein source consists only of almonds.

I don't know man. I've heard a big healthy load of jizz has plenty of protein in it, but sucking cock is quite tiresome.

So he's burning more calories than he's receiving? Makes sense.

what? he also eats eggwhites and jizz

Low T


Can you complete every sentence for


I think its a mixture of sex addiction and chronic depression, past failures or trauma running through his mind. Sometimes you wanna sleep but you are so discontented by the state of your life, the inherent relaxation required for sleep never comes.

Sux he can't just use CBD.

Don't forget the "2 kinds" of sleep apnea the kid has bitched about for years but still not bothered to address in the correct way.

Good news is that he will probably have a massive heart attack at a "young" age so at least the HIV wont creep up and get him in the end.

The issue is the mask gives him discomfort adding to his inability to wind down and relax.

I doubt I would enjoy spending any time with Jim, he is the type of person who needs everything "just so" (IE his eggs are not right, the guests he wants are not booked because the are not in the building at the time they are on air, ect, ect)

For someone who rolls in right before the show and does zero prep he sure has a lot of complaints. You really can't eat before your shift like everyone else that goes to work, you need to eat in the 3 hours a day you are working? As sam said, I wish he would put a fraction of the prep he puts into Chip into his day job, maybe we would have one decent show in the wreckage that is O&A

Sam said that?

Yes, at the live chipperson podacast

he's legitimately the nicest dude ever in person. not a sycophant here, nor did my interactions with him come in an environment where he would feel he had to be polite. a genuine, funny person feeling out the room in real time. idk. just my experiences.

Did he have his traveling bodyguard with him?

What's the correct way to treat central apnea though?

A .45 bullet would work nicely

Dr. Steve's "pillow with handlebars" sound like a lot more fun.

He should absolutely use CBD it wouldn't make him high at all. The idiot was addicted to Cialis not even using it for sex and he acts like he's above taking a pain killer after a surgery. The fruity hypocrite kiyuuud.

I think it all goes back to his fear of going back to drinking. He told a story about walking down the street with a knife hoping a cop would kill him.

This is what happens when parents neglect their children.

Malnutrition and truvada side effects

Sleep apnea stops you from staying asleep. There's not much more digging to be done here.

He spent an hour talking to the snore doctor and didn't learn a thing.

Well I can't say he's smart.

As someone who has central, non-obstructive sleep apnea, Jim is a fucking pussy. Even before I was wearing the mask I'd just be tired. Never stopped me from being at the job site with my container of joe in the morning. Being tired is for broads.

I know a lot of people who are super depressed and tired all the time. Just a lack of motivation and hopelessness all the time is exhausting to deal with.

Sucks because there's drugs like modafinil that are created to treat narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome...

But there's an obvious reason he can't take that... He likes complaining about it way too much IMO

Time zone differences.

He's currently on the west coast and is fighting for the love of his life in yurop.

Your opinion

Having one's asshole brutally pounded on a nightly basis will really wear a person out.

Sometimes there are trade-offs in life.

I don't know, it's tough man...

Funny le edging comment 😂😂

he regularly changes timezones so his circadian rhythm is constantly being fucked with. that coupled with his sleep apnea, diet, depression, low t cell count, and general faggotry make for one sleepy boy.

Apparently this post was made by one of Jim's nagging exgirlfriends. Holy shit is this such a woman post.

A woman post you mean like the ones Jim likes to nibble on?

Get it I'm referring to a penis.

Perfecting his fellatio techniques keeps him up at night.

Well I can't say he's smart.
