How the fuck is Jim so committed and willing to entertain when it comes to his podcast, yet remain so lifeless and unmotivated for his main radio gig which pays him well?

201  2017-09-26 by PutMeOver


He doesn't like Sam's show. And he's happy to work with Anthony.

he enjoys the ability to meet celebrities and get autographs, i'm convinced that aside from the check that's all he gets out of it.

It's more than enjoyment he gets from celebrity interaction, it's his entire sense of self worth.

Maybe he is just trying to get Anthony back at SiriusXM? I don't know.

There is a reason we called O&J "tits and the paycheck."

This. He started optimistic with Sam, and probably considers him a friend, but its obvious he'd rather be doing (real) radio with Ant.

He doesn't enjoy his coworkers at SXM

Contracts and guaranteed money.

We learned that he shuts down when he doesn't like the circumstances at his work. (DL Hugley interview/ last full year with Opie) "utts-a-matter? baby-boy doesn't wike da bosses and co-workers? aww.."

Link for the lazy muthahucka?

He's very tired in the morning.

Doubt it. He eats 12 almonds and a carrot every night at 9 PM so he should still be buzzing on that energy high the next morning.

<shake shake shake>

You sure eating is what he's doing with those carrots?

w...wait wait wait.......he's fawkin stickin em where the shit tumbles out!

He switched to decaf coffee because he can't sleep if he has it after 8 am

I had a friend with a diet just like that, literally a couple almonds and quinoa per meal. He also wore Depends out in public, pretty much everywhere he went.

Hey I told you not to post stuff about me online

Why was he your friend?

He was actually kinda normal at ome point.

Wait why the depends?

He forgot to mention his friend had colon cancer.

Was your friend Troy?

Jimmy is a sleepy boy

Yer kidding. Next you'll tell me he announces he has to take a piss every 10 minutes.


How fired up would you be if Sam Roberts was your ship steering co-host?

Hopefully enough to be cremated.

That was Sam's best line in the whole Chip live podcast. I think that was the first thing he said, legit made me lol.

"Y'heard what I saiyad."

Chip gets much better guests

Riotcast doesn't fuck up his eggs.

Shocking Bobby's company would be good getting food.

I was shocked a few weeks back to learn Bobby doesn't allow eating in the studio, no wonder he doesn't do rogan-length podcasts

The owner banned it because a bunch of plates and drinks were left in the room. The guy called Lauren about it and yelled at her until she cried.

"pretended to cry for attention"

Never underestimate a woman's ability to cry on the spot to manipulate - Bill "the negress cuck" Burr

Women are equal

The tears took 2 1/2 hours to roll off the chin. You could time a lasagna with that muuuuuggg!

See, that actually doesn't shock me because Bobby is quite fat.

They always remember the mustard

1) 1 day a week vs 4 - 5 early mornings.

2) Anthony and real life comedians (who usually are his friends) vs Sam and whoever shows up that day.

3) His own project, which succeeds or fails based on him and him alone vs a show he really just got shoehorned into.

Plus, he's not being Jim. He's being Chip

PLUS, Chip's Jim character sucks.

Chippa bellyfeel double-plus-good

It's not even one day a week. He records several back-to-back every few weeks.

Now that he has control over booking, Jim uses the connections and allure of Sirius to bring in guests he wants to talk to. It's not for our benefit, it's for his and his collection of A-list selfies.

Probably like the rest of us. We'd rather be doing something we like more, but something else pays better.

Jim is used to adding to whatever Opie or Ant bring up. Same goes for Artie. He needs an Ant like person to drive the discussion. Sam can't do it because he is also an adder but less likable.

Wrestling was only interesting because Ant will bring up how stupid it is while Jimmy goes "eww" then the boys make fun of Sam's interest in it.

Opie, during all of this, is just repeating Ivan Putski "THE POLISH HAMMER".

Ant would also do hilarious Vince McMahon impressions too. Opie would play with his tits and take calls because he had nothing of value to add.

I think it's hilarious that Ant is using Opie as his role model and is taking calls during Artie's riffs and making everyone watch and comment on The View like anyone who matters watches it.

Is he still a sleepy boy who's not getting his eggs the way he likes them?

He more or less does the podacast on his own time. Unlike the radio show which he has to get up at the buttcrack of dawn to make on time.

I think people here really underestimate how much it sucks to get to a job super early in the morning and Jim seems like one of those people, where if his morning commute sucks or he has to rush, he is wired for stress the rest of the day, stress and gay sex.

I thought they started at 8, and Jim lives in Manhattan?

That's not exactly "the buttcrack of dawn".

Yea no joke. I gotta do 4am Friday Saturday then 4pm Sunday Monday 12 hour shifts. Jimmy is a fag

8 for 8 amiright?

See you down at the jobsite, Mike.

You're just a regular stiff with your container of coffee.

And he's been doing it for years, so he should be used to it by now. Plus, its not like he has an exciting social life that keeps him up all hours of the morning. Sweatin' to the Oldies and a dinner of 6 almonds affords you plenty of time to rest.

I started my own company solely because I didn't want to have to wake up early anymore & I work in an occupation that isn't an early morning gig. My job requires me to be creative & use my imagination & I just can't operate properly early in the morning. I think it's genetic because I'm literally 100 times more sharp in the evening or late night than I am anytime before noon.

He got used to not having to do anything for the radio show, other than make the occasional joke, because he had a team of interns/producers/pests bringing him stuff to comment on.

Now that they're gone he's still putting in the same half-arsed effort, just out of habit. The only things that'll change that are getting fired, or a sudden unlikely burst of self-awareness. It doesn't help that Sirius don't collect ratings, so he gets no feedback (unlike RiotCast), and that Sam's copying O&A's work ethic now that he's "arrived". If Sam and Travis went back to doing 3-4 hours a day worth of show prep it'd be a more interesting show, and Jim would have stuff to bounce off - but why bother if they get paid the same to not do it, and there's no effect of the ratings?

There were a ton of OandA show where you didn't know jim was even in studio for the first hour and a half.

So true

You touched on it, but to push the point a little further, Jim doesn't have Opie or Anthony now. Up until now his role was to snipe in funny lines and jokes, not carry the show. He's a comedian, trying to land TV/movie gigs, keeping late hours. He's not a true radio guy.

Sirius XM noticed that old fans still liked Jim and Sam, and that's where their concerns begin and end. There's no channel manager worried about Nielson ratings or thinking what other shows are going.

I love having a job where I'm mostly left alone, but I still get evaluated and checked on twice a year, and as much as I like the job, I probably wouldn't do as well without any supervision. Jim and Sam aren't in any kind of "fight" for ratings or relevancy. Just don't go out of your way to piss off management and you'll be fine.

The Chip Chipperson requires giving a shit. Riotcast downloads are monitored, and Jim is a friend and colleague for Bob Kelly. There's more of an incentive to create more bits and situations for comedy.

I'm not railing against Jimmy here. This whole thing is basic human nature.

I think he's just sick of Sam. I would be too. I have a couple of friends that take the liberal angle on fucking everything, no matter how they have to twist reality. It's infuriating and I spend less and less time with them the more they react to trump tweets.

Why would he have him on the podcast then?

Last minute cancellation of another guest, Sam has only been on the podacast 2 or 3 times

'i have a couple of friends' of course you do.

I listened to an interview with Mike Patton from faith no more. He kept going on about how bored he was in FNM but his smaller bands were more fun. Some people don't realise how lucky they have it.

With Patton, his comment is pretty much true, tho. FNM wanted a rock and roll singer fronting them, but in Mr. Bungle Patton could do literally anything he wanted. I saw him do most of a show on his back, in front of the drum riser, back when we used to see Bungle in the clubs. Patton always said he did FNM to fund Mr. Bungle. And now funds Phantomas and whatever else he's doing. Patton is one of the oddest people I've ever run into, the idea that doing a straight rock show is boring to him? Not shocked, in the least.

You ran into him? That's pretty cool

"I don't know man... It's tough, ya know..."

I can explain it: I think Chip is a vehicle that makes hm feel liberated. He doesn't have to worry about his image, and it's not the end of the world if a joke bombs. I think it's the only time he feels happy as an artist is when he's in character.

So, he thought about killing himself because his special wasn't good enough. That's Jim. When Chip bombs, he can just do that whiny shit where he blames everyone but himself in-character, and he can bomb and it's part of a the meta joke of Chip being a bad comedian. Yet, at the same time, he can do quick insults and good lines just the same.

Anyway, that's what I think. He's far more comfortable with "Jim" being a private person and "Chipp" being his public outlet. Hell, he can even attack himself in-character so it's probably pretty cathartic for him.

tl;dr It’s fun being Chip

Jim needs someone to riff with. Sam isn’t that person.

It's too bad the voice isn't easy to do long-term it he could just be Ted.

Everything gets repetitive and more boring when you do it daily for years. Side gigs or things you do every now and then tend to seem more exciting or fun so it's normal to get into it more. I love drawing, computer graphics, photography and other stuff, but when I do either of them for 8 hours a day months or year on end they get less interesting.

Because he doesn't have an interesting enough life to fill 3 hours a day.

Neither do I. It's so relatable.

Because his cohost stinks?

He's a worm, once he got the gig he will start acting like a bitch

This is simple, Chip is funnier than Jim currently is.

Sam Roberts.

Chip seems like way more fun to do. It's a character he has complete creative control over, it's a chance for him to flex his improv muscles, the success of Chip probably feels good for him, and how awesome is it to have a character who's shtick is that he sucks? If a joke bombs it's just your character, if the joke is good then you're a good comedian. It's a win-win for Jim.

I could see Jimmy as an artist loving doing Chip way more than his main corporate gig.

Everyone hates their job.

Because Sam is basically Opie 2.0, and Jim sees that.

A cO-hOsT oF LoWeR StOcK...

It's because he actually gets to interact and work off of other funny people.

It's because he actually gets to interact and work off of other funny people, albeit through his retarded character.

He doesn't like Sam as a co-host and he knows the show suffers.

when are we going to get the big jim and sam blowup fight?

It will happen.

Isnt the contract done in Oct? I cant see SXM running this shit another year.

Funny you say that. He was excellent on joey diaz's podcast yesterday.

Jim was OK but boy oh boy does he take himself seriously.

Also he stole 60 big ones from truckers

It honestly comes down on whether he can get away with it or not. That extends to every aspect of his miserable life too.

For the same reason he lights up when Anthony or comics are in studio.... he hates unfunny, interrupting Sam as a co-host

You don't need to work hard to keep a contract, fam.

Just don't film the talent Booker on the shitter and you're golden.

I like jim & sam

Self hatred. The only time he's happy is when he is doing one of his alternate personalities. That or he was up edging all night.

Because he takes his radio gig for granted

He was never and will never be a radio type personality, that honor belongs to shit heads like Sam and Opie zoo crew setup. His own advice show was just miserable, he needs to be actived by other comics or other people to be funny, it's like night and day when Colin, bobby or Ant steps into the studio. It's nothing wrong with that, so for now he's collecting his paycheck and trying to make it through the day. I don't blame him for not giving a care, his long standing show fucking imploded, his comic friends are either dead or caught up in their own thing. I would just let the guy be. He delivers on the podacast so there's that

Tldr: Let tha nigga be homie

For the same reason you can write a comprehensive detailed and referenced post here but are unable to write a report at work.

If he did the sirius show with vos, colin, bobby or ant, he'd be happy there too

Jim and Sam need to step it up. Their LA shows have been a fucking snorefest. Bert Kreischer on today AND tomorrow hogging airtime with his unfunny stories? Fuck off!

Shocking Bobby's company would be good getting food.

PLUS, Chip's Jim character sucks.

They always remember the mustard