Instead of allowing the family time to grieve and announce it when they chose Oqie decided to post this

45  2017-09-26 by peopleforgetthat


"He was a great guy... here's all the stuff he did for me... me, me, me, me, me..."

This is like Fez's eulogy for Ron.

Sexy Fez would not appreciate this...

I I I I, I am the Frito Bandito.

And he probably did it because it gives him an excuse for not having a gig

I hope the guy is still alive and Opie blurted out bad info.

"He truly cared about me..."

What a douche.

How many "father figures" does this titted fag need? He says the same thing about brother weaser

He's just trying to replace the charred remains of his actual father.

Hopefully he kicks the bucket soon too.

I wish this had just said "It's with a heavy prostate I announce my impending death."

Didnt he take every opportunity to bash his agent?

He writes like Bobo thinks and speaks.. "How does this affect me, what can I get out of it, and how do I communicate this in a retard's my daughter's English."

“He made calls on my behalf”

.....That’s what an agent does.....

Opie reminds me of the insecure kid who immediately posts on social media when a family member dies to forcefully garner sympathy.

It's fucking weird, why bring this to everyone's attention. Let it release on the family's terms and then make your peace with them in private if he actually meant something to you.

A public post screams "ME"

I know this drama queen bitch who does this all the time. Her latest one was posting about how stressed/unavailable she was because of her mom's back pain. She doesn't even like her mom, let alone live with her, but she says "I'm sorry if I haven't gotten back to you lately, my mom's back issues are really stressing me out :/"

ME: me

I smell a graveside pop up show in the future.

Diiiiiiiiip shit

ME: We'll knock em dead!!

Heavy heart... Heavier tits

I just don't understand how a man can be that big of a narcissist in such a public forum time and time again, be called out for it time and time again, and still doesn't see the selfishness behind what he's doing.

me me me i me i i i i my me i me. tits should've killed himself 30 yrs ago w/ a shotgun.

Opie really is a self-absorbed fool.

Sexy Fez would not appreciate this...

I I I I, I am the Frito Bandito.

And he probably did it because it gives him an excuse for not having a gig