Who else cringed watching Sam Roberts try to contribute to the live Chip Podacast

84  2017-09-26 by obamabeblacknshiet

His straight man/passive aggressive gimmick is dying. He's just out of place and very ugly. Even Ms Chinnalot had a more organic presence than that tendie-loving Mongoloid.


It wasn't his best performance

Tsss yeah what about perforjohnsnow or sumpthin

jesus fucking christ knicks

Cross me palms with gold.

What's the magic word babe


When he tried to ham-up the proposal bit, Ant rightfully called him out "c'mon Sam, you're supposed to be good at this SHIT"

Ant said that because he was taking the wrestling joke angle. If you listen ant says "oh maaay gawd king" - a reference to Jim Ross.

But it made a good point. Sam stinks at play-by-play commentary. Over and over he just kept saying the same thing. It actually made me feel bad for Sam. The height of his Insight is Boo the bad guy, yay the good guy.

I don't think he hammed up anything, he was so embarrassed he left

Oh my god. The poem that Chip read for the proposal. And then the videos. Ducking hilarious!!!!!

It was ok but this thread is exclusively a hating on Sam zone

Worth it for the hairline set up and counter punch. Sam knew what was coming.

He's a pathetic man. God knows how much peckah he's pulled to get where he is.

Both Sam and Lauren stunk. I actually enjoyed Lenny’s cameo more than either of their appearances.

I haven't watched it yet.

I made a point to watch every single Chip podacast from start (I had downloaded a bunch, hence I missed the visual element so I thought I'd start from scratch) so I haven't seen it yet.

Is Lenny the balding, skinny guy that's been o the podacast a few times?

I like him, he's subtle but funny.

I just know he's this guy: https://youtu.be/nQSyD7OZEOY?t=152

He’s the jew with the glasses.

I liked it when Lauren was replaced by a cooter and a dunce hat. The cooter and dunce hat contributed more in that one episode than Lauren has over the entire series.

Lauren does an opposite but equal annoying thing to what Sam does where she just reaffirms whatever chip says except without the humour. "Sam: that's not true, chip" "Lauren: that's true, chip"

My mudder used to yell "White Power, Chippa!" but never when her friends Reggie or Lamaar were around.

Lauren is at a handicap being a woman. I think not actively detracting from the show and being a good setup for the Chipper is already more than expected of her. Not to mention she's a producer, not a comedian (and it'll always stay that way despite how many middling comics she fucks.)

I have to give it to her that she has a pretty good sense of humor/will play along with some pretty brutal shit they lay on her. She has more guff than most broads.

the fucking improv guy who wouldnt get off stage was the worst

It's ok, he was teaching these guys how to be funny off the cuff.




Yeah I wanted to smash his face with a barbell.

When they finally got the actual improv scene the gang was funny, but they did NOT need to do those stupid exercises. That guy was more hateable than Opie and Sam combined.

that was the whole point. The podacast is basically all improv aside from Jim who does work into the show beforehand. It's a dig at themselves and at how fucking stupid improv is.

Did ya?

Yes, I did. I thought I made that clear in my previous post. Why would I write something if I didn't really mean it?

With a barbell was it?

Sir, I don't know if you have a problem with your computer monitor, but rather than repeat myself I'll just refer you to my previous post.

Refer me, will ya?

It brought the whole show down, it's just as bad as when he takes phone calls on the podcast. The second he takes a phone call that isn't Dr. Steve, I turn the podcast off.

It's just when he calls these brain dead whores that can only ramble on about how wet they are. Any dudes that give a shit what Alana luv says must have some level of brain damage.

Had to skip over all of that, what the fuck even happened.

I didn't hate him that much because it was a hell gig for him legitimately. I got the impression he wanted to be off that stage very shortly after he was on it. Chip wouldn't let go.

no it got pretty stupid quick. Nobody was into it

Sam was on stage with seasoned veterans of stand up who are comfortable working in front of a crowd. I just think Sam knew he was outclassed and sat back and let the pros do the heavy lifting because he knew better than to compete for stage time with these guys. Why put yourself in the barrel to be shredded live on stage?

If only Sam sat back and didn't contribute anything. He said way more than Colin.

Did Colin have a set to rush off to..? I only listened to the audio podacast, so his lack of contributions were even more noticeable because I rarely heard him throughout. And then they referenced him disappearing toward the end..

yes, he seemed pretty disconnected from the show half way through, then he rushed off at the first opportunity when other people stood up (the rest sat back down after but he didn't come back).

It's a shame cuz he's usually great when he tries.

Norton said he had his own set to do which is why he had to leave, that being said he didn't look good on the few times chip kicked it to him but he was never as quick as Jim or any on the old show either

This is exactly why the dunce got the higher stool, he wants to prove that he belongs and deserves attention only to fail miserably.

Ant had the biggest bomb of the night (awful racial joke on a guy in the crowd), but no one on the sub called him out on it

"Hey buddy, you are NO astronaut!"

Here was your momrnt

The house next door to me was sold to... Hi I'm Anthony Cumia

I don't think he's realized that his racial humour is only ever well received on his podcast, and even then it's got a tendency of being overbearing and hamfisted. Papa Cumio's been holed up in his compound far too long.

Racist jokes are funny you faggy redditor.

cumia ass licker


so edgy.

His racial shit is just forced and cringeworthy now. It's like he has to work nazis into everything. It's a sick obsession that just seems to suck the fun out of the room when there isn't even a good punchline for it.

Ant had a few little jokes that missed but he doesn't get called out for it because he has a decent hit to miss ratio and he is at least trying. The chip podacast seems like the rare time both ant and jim can get back to being funny.

It was fantastic. The only thing he was missing was a dunce hat.

Sam Roberts PR team in full effect.

He had one great AIDS joke, otherwise he is awful.

He said that right as Chip was about to respond to the audience yelling "Opie" as an answer for the question, thus derailing a potentially great burn, which ironically was an incredibly Opie thing to do.

You saw that too huh.... i hated sam for that.

He is an AIDS joke.

The first six words of the title is enough.

More importantly he is really disgusting to look at. What a genetic failure.

The only people who are good at interacting with Chip are Colin, Bobby, and Anthony (the best)

Everyone else has been garbage

Love Colin, but he always seems more like he wants to an audience member and enjoy Chip instead of interacting with him.

Bob Kelly was arguably worse and more one-dimensional than Sam in that regard.

Sam was more nuanced in his interactions with chip, while Bob had very unnatural and over-acted reactions à la ''what am i doing here / i can't believe i'm wasting my time for this'' and so on.

Ay, thanks babe.

You know what? Everyone sucks except Anthony

I can't believe people here actually like bob Kelly at all.

Neither can I, but that worm seems to be turning.

I don't know if it's family demands or him thinking he's Hollywood now, but the dude hasn't brought the goods lately.

Bobby is awful interacting with Chip.

Ant had to work with the real-life Chip for most of his career, he probably has a load of shit bottled up and ready to go

i dont listen to the show you dope

I thought Sam was ok tbh, I was actually getting tired of Bobs over the top 'WTF is this' schtick that he does literally every single time. Bob still rules though and Sams a faggot for the record.

Pretty sure he did that every time he interacted with Chip on O&A too. It's funny once or twice if he has a clever line but gets old quick.

Although I do think Bobby is genuinely flabbergasted that Chip is what put his stupid podcast network on the map. To be honest it is kind of ridiculous how it took off. Nobody saw that coming.

You could see him tapping Bob Kelly and saying "that was the rock" over and over after the rock's video. Bob didn't even look at him.

"Who else cringed when Sam...."

Everyone did

He had two great lines and kept his mouth shut for the rest of the time. It was probably his greatest performance ever.

I thought Bob Kelly was worse, Sam did ok for not being a comic. Bob Kelly has practically no improv skills, and his only bit is "I hate Chip," which is barely funny the first time he says it. He had like two good comebacks or quips for the entire hour and 20 minutes, he fuckin sucks. He's as bad as Rogan.

I cringe every time that I hear his voice.

Sam had a few decent lines, but other than the coked up improv guy, Lauren was the worst contributor in my opinion.

I've gotten really tired of her whole reaffirmation shtick with Chip. The whole point of Chip is to make situations awkward, and to put the pressure on himself and the others to get out of the hole he dug. But whenever Lauren takes up that baby-talk tone of voice and says everything Chip does is okay, it kind of takes the funny out of it. It disrupts the dynamic and makes Lauren's contributions irritating. It's to the point where I can't just ignore it, it actually takes away from the show because it's getting grating to the ears. She either does that, or tries the whole "my vagina" thing.

I would say that sam looked like a contest winner,but contest winners are usually humble and have at least ONE good story/line to add to the procedings

I want to watch, but I'm lazy. Can someone hook a brother up with a link.

You mean you don't like stuff like

Chip: then click the link on my Hom-Page Sam: (sarcastically) You mean Homepage? Hom-Page isn't a word, Chip.

30-50x a day. You don't think that shit is funny??

That show is terrible, Norton is terrible and all his old ass shit. Sam is a shitty guest and isn't funny. Norton really has nothing left now that Opie is gone. It's kinda sad to watch, but hopefully he finally chokes on a guy dressed as a girl's load and dies soon.

At least he had the good sense to keep his mulatto mongrel trap shut most of the time

Fake it till ya make it

Ay, thanks babe.

You know what? Everyone sucks except Anthony

I can't believe people here actually like bob Kelly at all.

yes, he seemed pretty disconnected from the show half way through, then he rushed off at the first opportunity when other people stood up (the rest sat back down after but he didn't come back).

It's a shame cuz he's usually great when he tries.

You saw that too huh.... i hated sam for that.

Pretty sure he did that every time he interacted with Chip on O&A too. It's funny once or twice if he has a clever line but gets old quick.

Norton said he had his own set to do which is why he had to leave, that being said he didn't look good on the few times chip kicked it to him but he was never as quick as Jim or any on the old show either

Although I do think Bobby is genuinely flabbergasted that Chip is what put his stupid podcast network on the map. To be honest it is kind of ridiculous how it took off. Nobody saw that coming.