The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper - Sep 25, 2017

4  2017-09-26 by Grillskillz


started good, but stretched premise. Reality & parody combine nicely here:

It didn't start good. He's just doing Colbert Report for right wingers on the Internet the average person has never heard of instead of Fox News hosts/pundits.

Im gonna give this a chance right now but if this gives me a headache then seriously fuck you dude. Comedy Central has been fucking depressingly bad.

I'm going to be telling my grandchildren "Back in my day, Comedy Central political satire was". No one will believe me


is he having a seizure? he can't stop moving. very unnatural, sad! get this man some Depakote

Jesus, this is a straight up rip off of Colbert Report. Except Colbert was good at that and this guy sucks.

It's a shame, you can tell he's actually funny like Trevor Noah. But like Noah he's an awkward host, the idea is unoriginal, and he does way too many weak, crowd-pleasing applause break jokes