Jesus Christ, Bobby. What the hell happened?

31  2017-09-26 by RBuddCumia


That was like three fats ago.

he's so delusional when he talks about how many fats he's had and has left (like he's gonna get skinny then fat again)..... maybe if he was 200 years old, but 8 fats for a 50 yo wtf

Stop using the word fat as a verb you buffoon.

do you know bob kelly? its what that fool says

Yeah, I know that's how he talks, stupid. Doesn't mean you have to placate that kind of behavior.


Oh...sorry. Carry on then.

No one is using the word fat as a verb.

He just did dummy.

I see a lot of 'fats' used as nouns, but no verbs. Dummy.

I don't think you know what a verb is.

I do. These "fats" are not verbs, they're nouns. Diagram the sentences.

My bad, thought you were replying to me.

You missed a comma between did and dummy, stupid.

I am so fucking confused.

It's easy with a cocaine habit.

Pie ala mode happened

That was like three fats ago.

He was fucking huge on the chip live show. I couldn't believe how big he became. Throughout much of the O&A show he was kinda chubby but never morbidly obese, holy shit.

Erock has ballooned the fuck up as well. Both are treading on Roland's realm fat wise.

"I'm Irish dude!"


Weird how getting fatter made him look less Asian, and Erock look more Asian.

ah, Ya know what dude, ya take various domesticated animals, you butcher 'em, dude. You bleach their meat, boom! Ya pass it off as chicken, Ya feel good about your life, dude...

I don't think Erock looks Asian at all, he's just looking more and more 'special', Bobo sort of 'special'.

Mongol vs Mongoloid

Finns are asian. Pick up a history book.


Bob Kelly has become one of my favorite O&A characters over the past few months, I've been listening to a lot of past shows, his podcast network (Riotcast or sumptin, ts) is great and he's a seemingly nice guy too.

His little lad picking up the phone and saying 'Hi, Chippah' or something mid Chip's show was one of the cutest things in the world haha. It's a shame he's not looking after himself, especially with the way Patrice passed. He's lost weight before, he knows what he needs to do.

No sugars, no grains dude

He's an addict who substitutes drugs and alcohol for food. Maybe he's sad about that Denis Leary show being cancelled and is stuffing his fat face to deal with it.

He decided to become the leader of a Cambodian village and the us army sent people to kill him

I was going to make a Dr. Moreau joke buy same diff

You consider this to be good?

I spent a lot of time watching his bulbous gut during the last Chip podcast.

I tried to look away but it's just too much to avoid.

He looks like the bad guy Mexicans in Falling Down

He quit smoking cigarettes. That's when he went full morbid.

Colonel Kurtz has kissable lips.

"Y'know dude you got your errand boy, you got your grocery clerks, and BOOM! I'll send you the bill"

Here he is when he looked like Covino

He got fat eight times


Sexy Bobby and present Bobby have scared me into eating better.

He rejected his Muslim upbringing and Allah has smited him for it.

It was either Colin or Patrice who said he went to LA a handsome Italian and came back a fat Mexican.

Black Keith

The Marlon Brando of comedy.

Mongolian darts champion

went from street looking puerto rican to tibetan lesbian-he got so fat it changed his race...