Whoa! Watch out for this rebel.

4  2017-09-26 by FlashVirus


So fucking edgy!

Jesus, those fucking Brit teeth. And people make fun of Vos' chompers.

wow this guy goes another level

He's right. Any world that lets a douche like this become a beloved celebrity can't have a god.

If that were Opie, the entire word would fit on a tit.

someone stop this atheist savage. he's upsetting my religious sensibilities and foolish faith in god. i would stop him, but i'm just so damm intimidated. i mean is that..is that blood?!!

I could see this photo being reasonable for a magazine shoot if he were in shape.. but he's a doughy British man.

British people have this weird thing where they never mentally advance beyond an American teenager in terms of self awareness or sarcasm.

Not sure gervais and his constant bringing up of atheism represents us you know. Most of us in the UK are. Nobody goes to church anymore. None of us talk about it.

I'm not basing this on a comedian. I know you people. You are all pure cringe inducers.

Oh Christ on a faggot...

He says the things we all wish we could say!