Colin Quinn calls Joe Matarese's Podcast

46  2017-09-26 by JoshRThompson


Not ur best


What is with that fucking voice? Does he actually do that in his podcast?

Why does anyone ever try to do something like this. Leave it alone. You're gonna kill the fockin bit.

That'd be funny if people started uploading videos like this of horrible impressions then claiming it was Joe Materese. You could do Donald Duck, Obama, Nixon, etc. Then you could spread them around online and people would think it's Joe.

Don't do that though. It could confuse potential clients of Joe's amazing corporate comedy gigs.

And please don't have the Obama impression be a racist minstrel type of thing.

"Oh lawdy I is the prezident but I can'ts reads nothin' no-how."

That's an example of what not to do, so as to not hurt Joe.

I think I'm starting to like these. I actually believed it was him first time I heard. Congrats on nailing an impression of a hack no one knows about.

Wait, this is not really Joe?

That voice is so fucking annoying, which I guess means it's a pretty good matarese impression

this does get tweeted I hope, you know he's listening & crying into his med bottles.

You could've responded with literally anything to what Colin was saying, but you didn't really try to say something that makes sense. Take the time to write for shit liek this!

Why... Why are we giving this zero attention?

Starting to love this matarese guy

I like how Joe is slowly starting to crack and break down, hopefully he commits suicide by episode 10.


I love that a shitty mean impression of him is 5x funnier than the actual comic. These rule. I wish you'd make them an actual podcast on itunes and put one up a week. 5 mins is perfect.