REMINDER: Colin Quinn said Anthony looks like a "Kandahar Catering Hall Manager"

133  2017-09-25 by GangstaFag

Opie is suicidal at this moment.



Thanks man but I'm actually straight


Opie's utter inability to take a joke is what isolated him from the friendships with these people. In a room full of people breaking balls, the one person who can't take or make a joke will be left out.

He deserves nothing, and that's what he's getting.

no shit?

He made jokes at others' expense, just couldn't take them. Which is far worse..

Always getting serious/pissy, or threatening to cut Vos's mic, etc. I'm sure he was much more insufferable off mic too.

I genuinely had no idea what mush-mouth Colin said at that moment, I barely picked up on the "And You-You-Pre-Historic Ed Sheeran".

That witty old man..

That's tremendous....was this from the chippah live pod?

What the fuck do you think

I think you're being a big meanie.

I think we should treat each other with respect

Words Hurt

it wasn't sock cucka! It was from the Joe Matarese thing

Tss yeah or fuckin KABUL!

Best insults in the business.

Anthony looks like a/an (insert non-white nationality/insert obscure occupation)

Moroccan watch salesman

A Ukrainian Opium Dealer

Persian Goat Thief

Jalalabad Fire-Eater

Armenian arms dealer.

Kazakhstanian wagon upholsterer

Wait, I got sumptin. Wait... wait... tss... a nigger.

Bob Kelly: "Fuckin' Chip."

American Disk Jockey


This made me laugh so fucking hard lmao

Tss why not like an Anthonyium dealer err somethin?

But he does

An Iranian soap maker

An Iranian soap maker

Berber booze smuggler

Kazakhstan kite salesman

Albanian Adidas store manager.

Egyptian Parking Attendant

Israeli child merchant.

Kuwaiti cobbler

My god, you've cracked the code! And some !RedditSilver is your reward!


East African sword swallower

Greek rapist

What does that comment have to do with Opie though?

I dunno you do one

I'd say he's 1/3 to kill himself.

Looks like a arab nation odd job

Cool, haven't heard that one before

I was listening to an old episode with DeRosa and Patrice said to ant "you look like a fucking terrorist. DeRosa is Egyptian and looks more white than you."