Makes me think of all those tender and kind-hearted O&A shows about "raisins with wigs"

14  2017-09-25 by JoeCumiasCockBreath



That's not Jesus.

Sam's child will still grow up more embarrassed of his father; at least this guy's gross disfigurement is easily explainable and sympathetic. I bet this guy could play off of Jim much better on air.

This fucking cyclops had a baby 11 years after he got torched and his girlfriend died? How the fuck.

Kid was put on the back burner.

Bet you cracked your knuckled and grinned smugly after posting.

What a lovely square number.

This guy got a woman to procreate with him. The worm can't get a broad to commit to living in the same country.

Isn't that the guy from the "Uhuru" video?

Venerate the entrepreneur mah dude.

He looks like Pepe and that baby has hair like Al Pacino's wig.

I THINK IT LOOKS GOOD. We should get that kid some lifts.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah my shooooes fell off and I landed on the stoooove.

Holy shit, he does look like Pepe.

Without the skin. Oh, maron, it's him!

Look but don't touch. Burn but don't char.

And when you're jumping from one foot to the next trying to get a good view of the pyrotechnics, he's laughing his sick, fucking ass off.

tss im michael corleone or sumphin'

All because he just had to hear "Once Bitten Twice Shy" performed live.

He's smiling?

freddy krueger has settled down.

I'm not saying that thing should have killed itself so everyone else wasn't burdened and awkward for having to look but...

No actually that's exactly what I'm saying.

Quit trying to find joy in life, you monster.

I'd say 20 mins at gas mark 8 should finish the job.

Or he could place a flaming nappy in the petrol tank of a lorry amirite?

Say something else British.

"What's a dentist?"

"Remember having global power worth more than a wet shit?"

Ya I know it's the swamp thing

I hate it when grotesques have babies for the sole purpose of showing that they can. "See, I'm normal too." They say.

I bet his skin gets real ashy.

This guy found love yet I love in crippling depression and loneliness. Time to dig out that .45.

Nah that's either a feral zombie from fallout or the swamp thing

good ol' flute ears

Venerate the entrepreneur mah dude.