"Every morning I take one adderall, one Centrum Silver, one Tylenol, and one Flintstones chewable multivitamin. Dude, I am so MEDICATED. L-O-L"

100  2017-09-25 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


dude pills lmao

he cannot function without them. You'll only understand if you're a NY comedian LA too.

Did you ever hear angry, off-his-meds Joe? LOL!

His brain is broken. He's eventually going to kill a child.

I hope it's his own

literally impossible.

Fucking retard-brain

He's basically on the same meds as an upper/middle class white kid from the suburbs.

Or a feeble old man. I don't think kids generally need iron and fish oil supplements.

Your mom didn't put fish oil pills in your orange juice and make you drink the whole glass?

His shitty grunge T-shit font is taking over his body. He needs his meds.

He's so clueless when it comes to drugs that he put 4 fish oils in the shot to make him look more strung out.

They're bigger, that means more crazy.


Easy way to smuggle hash oil

Nigga got fishy burps

Also, those purple ones are Nexium, a fucking OTC heartburn medication. This dude is such a bitch, it's shocking. Proof:https://i.imgur.com/Ese1kHb.png

Yup. I take that everyday.

I'm pretty sure the far right ones are Advil PM

Hopefully he takes a hemlock supplement.

Joe Socratese

i don't think you're allowed to call omega3 fish oil pills "medication"

You don't understand -- that's fully twice the RDA. This guy's out of control, and I think an intervention may be in order.

Joe Rogan takes 85 fish oil pills a day to help him THINK.

I take krill oil, and most days I have a little chuckle remembering the smashings that Hoagie Boy got

This is really sad. He thinks he's an interesting and damaged person, and playing up the fact that he's on a prescription drug because he's unbearable to be around is a good hook. His stupid therapist would suggest he quits comedy if they don't only tell you what you want to hear. It would immediately solve his inadequacy issues.

And it's Adderall -- big deal. I'm on it, too. So are literally millions of other people. And the point of the drug is to make you more responsible and productive; it's not exactly a "party drug" (unless he's crushing it up and snorting it or something). And he smokes weed (DUDE LOL), again, like millions of other people; nobody's impressed by that. There is nothing interesting or special about any of this.

I don't mean to be coarse but this guy's a real stick in the mud.

Strong words there big fella, did you forget your meds?

Listen just because I'm a dark and edgy drug user that mean you can judge me. You have no idea what I've seen.

You've been through Hell, you've been through back?

Have you seen how hot his wife is? And she makes money. You guys are the losers

Seriously. I know children who take Adderall. What a faggot.

you could at least introduce us

Actually Joe, adderall gives you dry mouth so they wouldn't be your type.

His wife has him drugged up 24/7 so she can get her cunny railed by the janitorial staff at the local urban hospital.

Call it a "cunny" again and I'll bite your nipples

I don't mind taking five from cleaning up all the mess from exploded pustulent sores to throw Joe's wife a quick fuck.

As a connoisseur, no Adderall, Vyvanse, Concerta, or Strattera, has stripes on it.

He's a big phony!

Those orange triangle ones looks like those low dose 5mg dexies to me. https://www.drugs.com/imprints/skf-e19-435.html

I was looking at those capsules with the stripes in the lower left.

He admitted his script is for 10mg Adderall

Pffffft why even bother then?

Haha, really? He's built a whole "medicated" persona around 10 mg of adderall? What a failure.

I hope his wife sees this pitiful shit and puts crushed Vicodin in their salt shakers to teach him a lesson.

a wonderful lesson

That sounds delightful, actually. The food may remain bland, but you'd be too zooted to care!

Serj Tankian really fell off the deep end.

Daily reminder that getting circumcised as a child leads to adult mental health issues. You don't see anything like this in other western countries where they don't perform genital mutilation.

always talkin bout peckahs this guy

Your a moron

What i truly don't understand about this guy is that after 30 years he's still relying on such hack gimmicks for his stand up. This "I'm the overly medicated comedian, isn't that just wild?" nonsense is something you'd expect from someone 2 or 3 years in that has started trying to make a name for themselves at the local open mic circuit, but from a 30+ year veteran? Its unfathomable that he'd still be hammering away at this unclever, hacky garbage. He sincerely needs to reevaluate his career choice, because he is NOT cut out for comedy. And i don't mean that sarcastically, this guy genuinely needs to pick a different career path or he's gonna Richard Jeni himself in a few years.

He has the same shitty personality traits as Opie

If you have a mental disorder and take medication that’s fine, but to think it’s cool is so fucking cringe why would you always talk about it

Hey, it's Joe Matarese, my wife tells me to take more Viagra every night-- I don't know if she wants to kill me, or want me to kill her LOL

I now read Matarese impressions in the voice of 100% Italian Matarese instead of the real one

Who is this guy and why is everyone talking about him? I'm not pretending I don't know him. I sincerely don't. Is he the guy from last comic standing? The guy with the weird voice who was way funnier than Rodman.

Is Joe Matarese bankrolling this sub to post shit about him?

A random person who drove past me in a Shop-Rite parking lot this past weekend has more real estate in my brain than this guy.

he probably thinks hes being deep with this shit.

what a flake.

Just smoke some pot, and snort those adderall pussy.

Someone should really tell him that fish oil has pretty much been debunked and has very little effect. He should really be saving all of the money he can at this point.

Why? It's not his.

maybe thats whats stopping him from being funny

Does he drink a lot? Why the fuck does he look like he has liver failure if that's all he takes for meds?

I neeeed Adderral to makee mee smartt durrr.

Norton is more of a junky now than this poser will ever be.

Easter Island faced retard.

He does not look Italian. He looks just like those posters in Germany...

*One fish oil pill


I now read Matarese impressions in the voice of 100% Italian Matarese instead of the real one