Meanwhile in Erocks basement

24  2017-09-25 by Dennyislife


“baby make a castle ride” as he sits on a pointy turret.

This made me laugh more than it should have.

I take it that's one of his shirts drying in the background

I'm surprised his squinty diabetes eyes can see that well for the intricate assembly.

At least that's something that's time-consuming and mildly challenging. What's really down there is significantly lamer. All you can do with a wrestling doll is rip it out of the package and throw it on top of another wrestling doll.

time-consuming and mildly challenging

Is it? For an adult 39 year old?

Maybe mild's not good enough of a word. Point was to compare it with action figures of naked men.

He must/should be seeping with shame.

I get people who get older and buy a toy or two for nostalgia's sake. I get model railroad people, who combine escapism with actually building something they can be proud of in their circle of hobbyists. I really don't get buying prearranged Lego play sets on any level. How much pride can you have in something that requires the same amount of skill as a snap-together bookcase?

It's not a nostalgic thing. I zoomed in. Its Harry Potter.

Ewww that's even worse.

I hate those expensive premade Lego kits (besides the architecture ones, those are cool). When I was a kid I had to invent shit from the random pieces I had. That was the fun part...

If you're going to be a manchild and build shit following a pre-made guide at least do something difficult and interesting like a model jet/spacecraft... or anything beyond 8+...

The technics sets seemed awesome when I was a kid, but they were absurdly overpriced.

So this is what fetal alcohol syndrome victims do as adults. TIL.

Piggy Boy and the Clotted Arteries

Here is the thing I've looked at Lego sets and have thought in a way of nostalgia how it would be cool to build one of those sets. Then I remember I'm and adult and I would rather spent my disposable income on parties and drugs.

If the internet wasn't a thing I'd get it. Just to kill time. We have options now.

It's also just about choosing to grow the fuck up. Erock represents millions of people who would rather stay in their coddled kid fantasy world and mindlessly buy all that nerd shit those big entertainment and toy companies shove in your face. Nick Mullen described it as just laying down on a deathbed. You're just being force-fed the same shit you enjoyed as a kid without making any progress in the type and the quality of the entertainment you enjoy.

9 year old me is very excited about this. Any time after that I could give a fuck about Lego.