The Worm takes a stance on the NFL

3  2017-09-25 by FlashVirus


way to play it safe, worm

yeah man I mean like people are mad about black players kneeling but at the same time white people wave the confederate flag.. so there's two sides to this.

Jim is crowd pleasing liberal when it gets him applause

The NFL players really should stop waving confederate flags

remember just 12 years ago when Warner Bros made a Dukes of Hazard movie and nobody complained about the flag, not even the young anti-Bush actors?

Why do people care if players take a knee or protest the anthem? Why is this a big deal?

Because they want people to care

I still don't get it.

If you start a protest you want some kind of reaction. People get killed by police in every country. To suggest that American police officers kill innocent people on purpose is a provocative claim

Something something about the military and how it insults them, which makes them sound like overly sensitive drama queens who make everything about them, including inanimate objects, as if they don’t understand that one of the biggest things they fight for is the freedom to speak and peacefully protest.

The impression that is being given by blacks however is that they hate this country. They hate the flag. They hate the anthem. They’re not disrespecting the flag because they have zero respect for the flag. You have to respect something to disrespect it. It’s all a silly lie they’re being told. They’re millionaires. America is great for them. You don’t have to sling crack rock or have a wicked jump shot. Those are lazy lyrical lies. Most regular black folks who work and stay out of trouble get nice suburban middle class lives. You’re not permanently stuck in the ghetto anymore. Those who don’t do right end up in prison or in shootouts with each other and cops just like every other ignorant, uneducated violent degenerate of every race’s socioeconomic underclass.

But the well-to-do blacks are easily susceptible to survivor’s guilt, so they overcompensate to prove they’re not an Uncle Tom. Gots to keeps it realz, son. So we get a clash between two groups with bad cases of survivor’s guilt: the blacks and the soldiers. This then leads to a predictable political psychodrama with the blacks and soldiers once again used as divisive pawns in a turf war between billionaires. This is now basically a replay of Trump’s USFL versus Rozelle’s NFL from 3 decades ago.

This was surprisingly well thought out. Delete it.

I just hate the blacks in general.