"Boy beaten to death with hammer while protecting sister" - Who's got some good jokes for this?

3  2017-09-25 by turnthemaround


This has Joe Cumia written all over it.

Tim Allen is off the wagon

That one was ok, do another one. GO!

droppin hammers

Verrry good, everyone get out of the way, the funny is coming through! It's about to start cookin

I know these will be real crowd pleasers yall, everyone make way for the funny


Dude this crossed the fucking line... we all like humor and I understand gallows humor, but what the fuck? Why would you even want to hear a joke about this? Another pathetic attempt to be edgy on this sub. You are a fool. You are a child. Look at that beautiful child.. Have you seen her? Go ahead, call me a pussy but at the end of the day you know... you know u can't touch this.


I don't get this joke, do another one. Go'oanow

Let me guess, new father?

As a faaather...

We all got the reference, you dickless cunt.

I'll translate:

Hey fellas, I know we like a good larf and all that, but it's truly tragic what happened to this niglet. So knock it out!

Nick...the dick!

Beat it, hole.

Found the asshole...

You can leave this sub at any time nazi.

He was a fan of rap music, Vanilla Ice has pulled out of his funeral benefit ..... but there's still MC Hammer

The joke is nobody will ever shame a black molester and so people will continue to believe they don't exist

we always shame joe and anthony.

wait wait just a quick bit of trivia. what was mc hammers 1990 album called?

Jagged little pill if I recall correctly.

I hate reading reading stories like this about niggers its confusing trying to keep track of who is who with all the different last names

When you say brother, do you mean like your sibling or?

We is headin' for bear on I-one-oh 'Bout a mile outta Shaky Town I says, "Pig Pen, this here's the Rubber Duck. "And I'm about to put the hammer down."

Verrry good, everyone get out of the way, the funny is coming through! It's about to start cookin