Why didn't I get the memo that we were brigading r/nfl?

42  2017-09-24 by quake1rl



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Nice to see the mods there are as big of faggots as everyone in the league

Oh no I don't think everyone in the league is a huge faggot , why would you say that

Have you seen those tight pants?

Every year they ban anyone who dares comment on the commercials during the SB thread.

We aren't? What a bunch of shitty mods. Could it perhaps be the_donald with its 15 straight pages of NFL hate and half million subs? No, it must the 20 guys over at O&A.

I'm not sharing my stash with anyone and I'll thank you, sir, not to ask again.

Sharing is caring.

Also Opie is still unemployed.

So, uh, we're trading tranny porn now? Asking for a friend.

What'd you say?

Sorry, I kept complimenting their pecka bulges one too many time.

The NFL is trash at this point. I only watch Redskins games and even that is becoming a chore.

Why do you Americans have national anthem before a domestic game anyway? Nobody else does that. Only for games between nations in most other sports.

Patriotism is retarded and so naturally appeals to the american

Don’t call us next time the Nazis are bombing the shit of your faggot country. Don’t wanna see Churchill crawling over here putting his head in FDR’s wheelchair sucking his crippled pecka, begging for the big, bad American assholes to come over and kick ass because an entire continent of fancy sissies was unable to beat one country.

Russia won it mate. You just made the films.

Who the fuck is "us"? You didnt do shit. The russians did more to stop hitler than the americans did. Oh what, nuking japan was so tough. A nation already stretched extremely thin and on the verge of losing anyway. Wow thank god you saved the world.

You're preaching to the choir. I wish I could live in a paradise like yours where I get arrested for saying something mildly racist on twitter. I yearn to live somewhere where owning a gun to defend myself is punishable by centuries in prison.


It's just a nice little moment to bask in gratitude for the fact we don't live in a country where we can be arrested for eating a ham sandwich a little too aggressively in front of some uppity Muslim.

It's also just a kick ass song. I'm not even patriotic but I like the anthem.

You ever hear Hendrix play it?

The real one.

Not White Hendrix.

Fuck that guy.

Same here, and I'd never hear it otherwise. Denny does have a point, though. Since it's usually being played at USA vs. USA games we should play it twice.

America's bloodiest war was fought against itself.

Why do you fags subvert yourselves to a family of inbreds?

You have khardashians we have some germans who fuck their cousins. Its more or less the same.

It's just to remind us of how we kicked your countries ass in 1776...

Is your google broken faggot? Insted of posting this and looking like a tool, it would have taken you 2 seconds to google it.

Anthony is just like an NFL player. He's an overpaid nigger who abuses women and has an inexplicable obsession with guns who will ultimately be bankrupt. He can afford a driver but instead drives around drunk and thinks that he lives in a consequence free environment. The only part missing is that he doesn't have 9 kids that got shit out of 8 different women.

Racism, it's so mean they included it twice.

Once again, our peaceful subreddit is grouped with the racist scum in /r/opieradio. It's not fair

I got banned yesterday too. I guess calling them faggots whose only knowledge of football is whatever the new faggot video game is is a bit "too far."


say something they don't like


Wahhghhh da football pwayers didn't stand for my special song wahhhhhhhhh

In the age of video games and porn who the fuck watches nigball?

Have you seen those tight pants?