Things that Anthony Cumia is not

42  2017-09-24 by fingerofgawd

  • White
  • Straight
  • listenable

Believe it or not he’s not related to Edward James Olmos.

A responsible gun owner

A gentleman and a scholer

Has a good eye for finding media producers


  • Out of place in Raqqa

Or Berlin, Paris, London, etc for that matter

Keepin it topical

G'wan nah!

or Dakar

Just friends with 18 year old porn stars

  • a communist

*The brother of a pedophile, your honor.


  • a high school graduate

Happy Brave Admirable Honest Likeable Altruistic Virtuous Faithful Sober Fulfilled Mature Unbiased Grateful Attractive Young Healthy




I see what you did there you sly boots.

A secure cannon

A wise investment

  • Transphobic

  • Teetotal

  • A Smoothskin

Able to behave himself

What's the opposite word for a pedophile?

'Joe DeRosa'

What would my prepubescent friends say?

How sure are we that he's a citizen? Has anyone seen his birth certificate?

Proud of his brother.


Alien Garbage

No no, this is a thread about what he isn't

Ok. He isn't Nigga Poor. How'd I do?

Anal receiving virgin

  • A high school graduate
  • Insightful or intelligent enough to be a political pundit
  • Rational
  • Capable of any lasting intimacy or a relationship he doesn't have to pay for
  • Fooling anyone with his chopshop cosmetic hair, skin and eyes
  • A child of the eighties
  • Cool or admirable when he karaoke sings while brandishing a gun
  • A person with any presence worthy of a visual medium
  • Capable of dressing himself
  • Someone who should be left around children
  • Capable of standing up to his very, very stupid white trash bully of a brother
  • Funny anymore

Effected by this sub.

as mean as this sub!

The victor in a fight against a prostitute.

  • A terrific scaffolding photographer
  • The owner of a successful podcasting network
  • A member of the A thru D-list celebrities
  • In control of his manservant

Parasite free

In a successful band

Of high stock

You forgot Romanian

A white man.


  • Sober
  • Liked by his neighbors
  • Providing a quality show

Consistently funny from about 2008 onward.