Reminder: Joe Matarese used his fluke shot on Marc Maron's podcast to try and and beg for comedy writers

15  2017-09-24 by Gilgores_Trout


Oh wow, Maron and Matarese in the same room? If a suicide bomber ever needed to be somewhere...

Yeah, go on?

Maron is unacceptably Jewish.

In retrospect, why did we put up with him? Even at his best, he’s a nervous wreck who talks too fast and complains about personal shit no one cares about. You’ve been married fifty times and constantly fight with your SO? Maybe it’s because you’re exhausting to be around.

You interviewed the president. Big fucking deal, so did Zach flaskinfinaski.

God, I’ll never forgive hitler for failing to kill Marc.

I remember when this happened, I knew nothing about Joe or had even really heard of him. I was like "That's kind of cool." I went to the site to check out the specs, and it was the most unoriginal, self indulgent, hacky rip off idea of a show Id ever seen. Like zero imagination whatsoever. I hated him immediately.