Why don't Jim and Sam find some new weirdos in the same vein of Bobo or Lady Di?

36  2017-09-23 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Those were some of the best and most memorable moments from OandA. JandS could do something similar with a new cast of lovable freaks.


Sam would ruin it by treating them the same way Opie used to.

Sam would try too hard to force it,

Jim wouldn't try at all, basically current show format.

I don't think they're at the level of making fun of people to be honest. If Ant were first mic, I could see it, without him, nah.

Yeah, they need cool people to do that. Anth might be a pedophile vampire with a shitty show but at least he's cool.

Sam already has that hilarious bore Anthony. His mom burned a cake!!!!!!!!!

Watch out they also have a spick that cant spell and sucks a lot of dick, its craaaazy!!!!!!!

a spick that cant spell

I would have never imagined.

Daaaaaamn! Thassuh good education!

And she's a 1 out of 10, tops. Aren't you truckers horned up?!!!

But their lady intern has sex with people! WILD!

It's a shame but shock jockery's been dead for about 10 years.

Let's be honest, we wouldn't want it if someone tried it... red bar is considered a faggot (he is) for making attempts

Is he? I thought he was a faggot for filling a 10 hour show with dead air, pot, and a Norwegian with too many chromosomes.

It's both. Reasons for faggotry aren't confined to single explanations.

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Wait, what is Mary Jean then?

A dumb whore who won't stoop to fucking lil yimmy

I bet she would but Jimmy enjoys indulging the "I'm the good platonic friend who shows restraint!" persona too much.
Probably some self-righteousness in a similar fashion to his non-drinking.

Sam wouldn’t know a funny bit if it force fed him real food, and I strongly suspect that Jimmy has lost his mind.

because they're too old for shock jockery

more like light joltjocks

Wattage yumah

You need to be on free radio to get the real freaks.

Let me tell about the wacky characters on my local radio shows. There is the one guy, he's a real card. He said he doesn't believe women even poop. Isn't that hilarious? They just make soft serve ice cream and cotton candy out of their butts.

Didn't you hear Sam? They don't do a comedy show any more, they have no need for the Colin's and the Lady Di's, who needs them when you can talk vaguely about politics and dick ride faggot wrestlers.

Yeah they are not going to always have comedians on, its not the Opie and Anthony show guys comon sometimes Sam will talk about pop culture to compensate for the fact that he was turned down by E! radio years ago because of his tinny voice

That, and the fact that they probably couldn't do a comedy oriented show even if they wanted to..

Because they wouldnt look even slightly retarded next to Sam hole roberts

It feels like they and all of the people they got famous with have forgotten everything that made them famous because they think bits, wacky characters, and themed days and segments are hack and have no value. Now they think they can get away with doing no prep at all and just carry the show showing up and talking despite not doing anything interesting or being experts on subjects to make conversations on them enlightening or interesting.

how would they find the time to interview wrestlers, porn stars, and boring celebrities?

SAM would LOVE to!!!! During the "NOPIE" SHOWS, SAM would always try to SHOEHORN in LADY DI or BOBO to derail the HUMOROUS things JIM and ANT were TALKING about!!!! Who needs FUNNY when you can have a SELFISH BORING MONGOLOID with NO sense of YUMOR thing over and over?!?! They already had SAM for THAT!!!

SAM is like OPIE. OPIE tried to COPY the "WACK PACK" from HOWARD so hard!!! Only he could not find a SINGLE 'tard with a PERSONALITY. Maybe STALKER PATTI, but she was MOSTLY boring!!! NAKED COWGIRL had her MOMENTS, but often BOBO'd her APPEARANCES!!!

HAVE YOU seen anyBODY else ON THIS SUB oscillate between UPPER CASE and lower CASE like "THIS" before?

Only the PEOPLE who know how to MAKE their COMMENTS P.F.G.!!!!!

Do you think you are partially biased towards Sam because he backstabbed Scorch?

If SAM was as TALENTED as he BELIEVES he is, he STILL would not be 1/1000th as TALENTED as FORMER WWF WRESTLER and reigning KING OF HOLLYWOOD, SCORCH PFG!!!!!

Because that would be interesting and they seem to be avoiding being interesting with a passion.

Sam IS the weirdo

Theo just attract fags (not necessarily homosexuals) and not ghouls.

He's not a weirdo but we need more Dennis. Ever since he started kickboxing he's become more confident and open to smashing Sam with his quick one liners

He's not a weirdo but we need more Dennis. Ever since he started kickboxing he's become more confident and open to smashing Sam with his quick one liners

Because Bobo and Lady Di types are more discerning than their listeners.

Bobo and Ladi Di were listeners. Sam and Jim have none other than us.

They already do that but Sam always tries to do serious interviews about their pretend fighting careers.

Watch out they also have a spick that cant spell and sucks a lot of dick, its craaaazy!!!!!!!

But their lady intern has sex with people! WILD!

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I bet she would but Jimmy enjoys indulging the "I'm the good platonic friend who shows restraint!" persona too much.
Probably some self-righteousness in a similar fashion to his non-drinking.