National radio show? 367K Twitter followers. Lose partner and brand, replace with thicker-tongued retard and illegal alien? 367k Twitter followers. Lose job, no radio show? 367k Twitter followers.

68  2017-09-23 by piggyboi

Someone needs to report this to Twitter - certainly it's against their TOS to manipulate follower numbers?


what? twitter is still a thing?

For Gregg, it's his ONLY thing.

Which is why we're trying to hard to ruin it

Twitter is dying a slow death anyway.

It's running on VC capital for over 10 years now. The only thing that makes them money is selling your data to the NSA.

It will be amazing when we look back at twitter as just an unimportant blip in internet history, and think about how Anthony ruined his life over it.

That’s like saying, “yeah I destroyed my career over pogs.”

We'll look back at twitter screenshots quaintly like we do this pic:

Could you imagine being the type of loser who says "No, I want half!" when your wife tries to take the beanie baby collection in the divorce?

Hopefully social media in general dies off so people stop acting like faggots

especially me

the box was opened.

Is it?

Younger generations aren’t into it as much. Snapchat and Instagram have surpassed Twitter in popularity.

They don't really do the same thing though. All journalists and politicians are on twitter. And it's definitely the best for live events.

Clearly he's hasn't publicly tweeted enough one word replies to boring fans sucking up to him.

He should do more of that, it's enthralling stuff.

The slowest month of tweeting, over the past year, was 357 tweets. That's 11+ times a day, average. The most was 805, averaging 26+ a day. What a loser.

SocialBlade is trying to tell me Opie is a C+ list celebrity. I don't trust that site now. He's been falling towards the bottom of the alphabet for a long time now.

Who bothers to unfollow?

Humans. Bought-and-paid-for Bots? Not so much.

Wait so these bot farms unfriend? Or u mean humans do? Ive never bothered to unfollow. I dont care enough to do that. Am I in a minority?

He has been investing in followers like it's Bitcoin.

Shitcoin or sumphin'

"I earned those followers" - homeless Andrew

"Lose your radio show? Fuck you, pay me."

This guy's fanbase is more loyal than the Jonestown followers.

hopefully they end-up the same.

Its like average listeners figured out he owns the brand over the years somehow

Opie hasn't had a show for 3 months and hasn't been a decent show since his talented co-host was fired, meanwhile his co-host now has a show with Artie Lange and only has 28k followers.

If Opie's twitter was deleted, I don't think he would even get back to 10k.