Brandon Wardell is in his mid-20s... allegedly

14  2017-09-23 by EdguhMellencamp


Yeah, I'm surprised this sub hasn't gone after this guy yet.

I don't hate him honestly. I just think he's unfunny and a fag.

A couple of years back, stand-up comic Brandon Wardell laid down two markers for success: befriending Drake and hooking up with Ariana Grande. Neither has come to pass, but the 24-year-old, who grew up as an itinerant Air Force brat, is feeling OK about being an "alt-famous" voice of a generation. On Twitter this year, he spawned a crazily popular absurdist meme, "Dicks Out for Harambe," which random bros still shout at him. He stars in a Snapchat show for Comedy Central, gets paid for half-assed DJ sets, peppers his stand-up with hip-hop references, and consults for corporations as a millennial whisperer. But his relationship to his generation is complex: "I'm hyperinvolved in the culture but also hate everything about it," says Wardell, who takes aim at peers' performative social awareness by declaring himself "the creator of feminism" and designating "tru gd mf respecting women hours" on Twitter. He takes those corporate gigs seriously, though. "I'll troll," he says, "until it fucks my money up."

Just in that paragraph alone there's so much to hate it's overwhelming.

Taking credit for the creation of a meme should be a noose-worthy offense

Artie voice "We have a winner"

CumTown bash him all the time and Mullen (albeit in jest) outed him as a joke thief who gets all his comedy from Instagram memes

Yeah, I know. They all started their careers doing stand up in the DC area. And then out of nowhere Brandon Wardell started becoming more famous than Nick even though he is a hack.

He wears a backpack on stage. Which I consider worse than fingerless gloves.

I have no idea who that is but if I saw him on the street I'd instantly assume he's been greedily slurping on his father's helmet and nutsack for at least a decade.

I never heard this guy but cumtown used to bash him all the time.

Like if Velma fucked Dexter's Lab

Why not Dexter's Poodle??? Tssssss

You make a great point


He is fine with me after hearing him on Cumtown and being able to take a joke. Still a faggot

I thought he hates being made fun of and refuses to come back?

I didn't hear about him refusing to come back. I know all the Cumboy fans still make fun of him on Twitter and he seems fine with it.

I had no idea who this was, so I looked up his name. The first result is a stand up gig he did. Not knowing (or reading this thread) as to who he was I legitimately watched the entire 8 minute set. Not one moment during it did my mouth move towards a smile.

Again, I had no idea who this was so I went in without any per-conceived notions other than the picture Edguh posted.

This guy stinks and I don't like him.

I hate to chip you guys so early in the morning but...Wardell...why not peacehewlettpackard

Too clever.

Fawk yeah

More like Brandon Peacecompaq....tssss

The total embodiment of everything I hate about the millenial generation all in one twinky fag pretend comic.

Am I suppose to know who this very fuckable boy is?


That chin. He could be Tranny Lauren

Unfortunately I have seen him do stand up. Stab from cum town was opening so I went to see him. I was on a bit of LSD and it was truely a horrible experience. He stinks.

Why are we talking about this faggot on here?

I'd like to butt-fuck him and sever his head

Wardell is amazing