Do you guys think Anthony ever told Sue he loved her?

49  2017-09-23 by JoeCumiaSr

He definitely did imo.


His actions speak louder than words.


I think he tells every "woman" he dates that he loves them, then acts all "Fuck relationships!" on his relatively unknown podacast to look cool infront of his friends.

That morning he went to the store to pick up some things and brought back a card that said “Happy 12 hour anniversary I love you.” He then invited me on a cruise the next year and said I should move from LA to live with him. This was all within 24 hours.

And who are you?

That was from Stetten.

What about Trieste on the Adriatic?

Like the other guy said, it's from Stetten's blog post. Here's a link to the full thing.

"He would just heavily drink, watch bad reality TV shows, and complain about liberals."
Are you sure she's talking about Anthony?

That's creepy as fuck

Its fruity but the fact is that these shallow bitches stay with him after he does that shit. Why dont they ever take responsibility and realise if a plumber or uber driver did that shit theyd mock him.

Like you wouldn't?

Wouldnt what, lovely?

Tolerate some old burn victim looking broad who was letting you leech off of her.


There's 7 billion people on earth so even a major podcast like Rohan's is relatively unknown.


It's just that Anthony podcast is more unknown than the others. I'm sure Howard Steen is relatively unknown in Asia & Africa but that doesn't mean his show has the same size audience as an obscure podcast.

You're a fuckin moron.

There's 7 billion people, only 111 million watched the Super Bowl. Relatively unwatched.


Only when she was inside him

What's wrong with that?


He tried, but his mouth was full.

Why is he eating during sexual congress?

He told her by pulling his briefs down and spreading his ass cheeks for her.

He tried but his mouth was full.

With his mudda’s sauce and some AH GABBA GOO

awww dats cute if he did (im hammered)

It was like that car crash scene with Cameron Diaz in Vanilla Sky, "I swallowed your cum!"

That whole movie is a car crash! Just joshing ya.

When I was like 16 I was drinking 40's with this goth girl, and I started telling her that I loved her and didn't ever want to be without her. She said "aww" and then refused to fuck me.

Aww Jimmy!

He said goth girl.

I bet he wrote her a card that said 'happy 12 hour anniversary'

I had to sit back for a minute the first time I read that... he's as insecure a Opie

He's scared of being alone and abandon. Just how his father left him.

With empty balls? No way

Does Anthony have any relationships left that he doesn't have to pay for? Keith, his brother and the entire manatee ballwashing poker posse are sucking off his teet of his Sirius money. And relationship wise it's even worse- Dani admitted she was getting paychecks for a brother joe-like understanding, Sue admitted that he/she/it was a prostitute and Missy, his current, previously was a source of his whining because she wanted more and stole his credit card.

Sad day. Even I, a cunt with cerebral palsy and a speech disorder, can get laid. (Okay, I need to go online to find dudes, so I can make a better first impression with a witty profile. And yeah, I'm a novelty, but I like novelty, too. Regardless, I can get laid. That's another reason for you to cry yourself to sleep, Ant. ;) )

Well, them titties ain't retarded.

One of my exes was wheelchair-bound and she was a hell of a lot of fun. You cripple girls don't get the credit you deserve.

Sometimes I feel bad about myself if I don't have a new hot girl in bed every week or every other week. And then I read that you've having to fuck cripples. Thank you for making me feel better about myself. <3

I agree.

(The degree to which I am joking is entirely dependent on the quality of your ex-cripple.)

She was top notch. Sweet girl, nice body, sexually daring and open-minded. Her family was great to me and I still have memories of our time together that I look back at with fondness. Mind you, this was back in 2011, but still a great time in my life.

I know you mean this as an insult, but if I genuinely made you feel better, then I'm glad you feel more positively about your situation, brotherman.

I swear on my life I meant it 50/50. But thank you for having a sense of humor about it (swear on my life that is a genuine compliment.). May I ask how it is that you go for crippled girls?

Well, it was only the one time 6 years ago and I didn't find out about the wheelchair situation after we were talking about dating, so it was more of an accident than an active effort of attracting a wheelie girl.

To be frank, I did have the goal of dating a hot deaf chick, but I'm in a committed relationship now so that is not gonna happen ever. Don't get me wrong, my girl is the hottest woman I've ever dated, but chicks who can't hear shit just have something that gets me going.

I mean, was this Yvonne Strahovski in a wheelchair bc she had cancer of her femur, or was it Roseanne Barr who was wheelchair bound because she was fat as fuck and deconditioned?

She was paralyzed from the waist down, reasonably attractive and her body was perfectly capable of doing anything an adult needed to do other than walk. She was also 20 at the time IIRC.

I don't know, man. I think the normal-looking, cripples that are just paralyzed from the waist down only seem as boring as normal, able-bodied people. The other crips seem more boring. I need someone who can entertain me well (not that I need someone 24/7).

Can I hop on and rotate those tires ?


Ant isn't looking for sex. He's a lonely old queen who wants a warm body around for some semblance of a human connection. That's why he drinks to pass out and keeps the TV in the background.

Also, you ever fuck another person with a disability?

Ew. If I'm not serious about them, I prefer them to come and leave quickly thereafter.

I fucked a conservative Christian. In my book, that's definitely mentally disabled. I then wrote a stand-up set about it, and the gun in charge of the club where I performed played this audio:

There was also a guy with schizophrenia, but he hadn't had any delusions for five years.

Do addicts count?


No. It was a strictly sexual relationship.

I think ant is completely obnoxious with women. He's that guy that does cutesy shit on the beach.

Yeah, while he was licking his own shit off of "her" dick.

after every single load.

He did, but then she broke up with him and called him a faggot.

Hard to say "I love you" with cock in your throat.



It's just that Anthony podcast is more unknown than the others. I'm sure Howard Steen is relatively unknown in Asia & Africa but that doesn't mean his show has the same size audience as an obscure podcast.

You're a fuckin moron.

There's 7 billion people, only 111 million watched the Super Bowl. Relatively unwatched.

Ew. If I'm not serious about them, I prefer them to come and leave quickly thereafter.

I fucked a conservative Christian. In my book, that's definitely mentally disabled. I then wrote a stand-up set about it, and the gun in charge of the club where I performed played this audio:

There was also a guy with schizophrenia, but he hadn't had any delusions for five years.

Do addicts count?
