I wonder if Tits knows by now he was always the joke

108  2017-09-23 by aPersonStranded


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Fuck off nigger bot


I love dat moors face when cracks up

that moors face is always cracked, it's part of his trademark tectonic look


They've lost/are about lose their paycheck from XM. That money shit makes people real bitter and they tend to blame others for their own missteps.


Are they? I'm out of the loop here.

All Jim can do is be a headvein popping tryhard to fool himself into thinking they will want to keep paying him for another year of his solo stupidity.

In all honesty, I'd love for them to find a way to get Ant involved. Jim and Ant, Wispy cotton candy hair Sam as third mic.

It's never happening at Sirius so if they did get the boot, you never know.

not without the good corporate money that glued them together. it is over. nothing but sour grapes.

Terrestrial radio then? I can just about see it:

"We're 3 guys that..."

They've been ranting about Sirius XM a lot lately and it seems like weird things are happening behind the scenes with E-Rock being forced out and whatnot. Doesn't look too promising...

Yeah, although I don't listen to Jim & Sam as much I noticed. I think Erock said in his last show they only have a month left on their current contract or something.

I think Jim and Sam got another year on their contract so i dont see sirius pulling the plug before then.

Management listened to the show. It's bad. They will be fired. Sirius wants to move on and get fresh talent and celebrities in.

I think Sam is an employee, not on contract, so they could can him anytime, but he also probably isnt making nearly as much as "famous comic" jimmy norton, so I think Sam will stay and maybe get a third mic job on another show or be relegated to his old midnight show again. Jimmy is gone though, he just isnt good on the radio without an opie "running the ship" and he won't let sam do it.

Shut that fat pig up.

How could he not

Zero self awareness, below average intelligence, delusional, etc.

sniff couldn't be fawkin bothered. Been busy doing my thang... going 'round town doing my thang u know.... have no fawwkin clue what those shawks are sayin'.

He will never be self aware. Delusion runs in the family.

How funny would it be if opie just snapped and beat the ever-living shit out of Jim?

That's horrific but, you toned it down a little, imagine how creepy it'd be of Opie made a point to buy a front row seat to every single one of Jim's stand up gigs for the rest of his career.

He wouldn't say anything, but sit there, staring in silence.

that's so creepy. Just thinking about it is making me uncomfortable ahah Opie just sitting there, staring at Jimmy...

It's even creepier when you realize it's completely feasible.

He would thank him for his contribution to the hooker fund, also i think Jim can get him banned from his shows if he wants.

Opie couldn't pull that off. How would Jim know Opie is staring if he's filming the show with his cellphone the whole time?

would serve him right and be be hilarious

Jim plays the hard ass role, but when push comes to shove, he always falls back on the "I'm not a tough guy, I'm not going to fight". Pretty sure that 110lb skinhead twink would lose to a 13 year old

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Listening to past O&A clips, I noticed Chip would pop up after Opie said something most of the time. He had to have known subconsciously Jim was indirectly mocking him.

I've been noticing that too. Early chip starts making the tss tss sound after Opie says something moronic.


I think Jim slipped here and had to keep going with it lol

opie's defeated "i get it" is very satisfying

I think this is the wedge that was driven between them that caused the on-air fights. We may have just witnessed the genesis of the eventual split, I wish I knew when that clip was from.

This sub is the joke. Opie is a successful millionaire who can get a job in radio whenever he likes.

why the downvotes lol a lot a people who fail to understand sarcasm here

I always thought Colin Quinn was in on the joke, with his obsession with Scorch

I think the Cement dust that found its way into Opies iunch Sandwiches is finally wrecking havoc on his frontal Lobe. This is Aaronn Hernandez level CTE.

I am hopelessly attracted to Lauren. Chins be damned.

Fuck off nigger bot


Are they? I'm out of the loop here.