Good ‘Ole Kanye is going through mid-00s Fat Jimmy phase..... actual picture

18  2017-09-23 by dogvoicemail


"Nigger puts on a few lbs."

Well I'm glad this sub is still focused on the funny and noteworthy stuff.

nah. Jimmy was fatter and wore much longer t-shirts.

I love how much meaner this is with the simple addition of "actual picture", that said, astute point fag!

Hes on antipsychotics same thing happened to me my tinder date just told me im thicker than in my pics 😓

You're black, can you get a picture with Anthony to prove he's darker than you?

I hope to get in a confrontation with ant someday i dont know about posing for a pic thats pretty gay

Black dick is the best dick sorry

You need Jesus in your life.

He's just farming fat cells to inject into his wife's enormous ass.

Nigga got cum on dem pant legs yo.

His right pants leg....Dassacumyo.

And his race...DassaCumia yo.

He's so big he's gonna rename himself Kanye North South East West!

Someone call an ambulance, my funny bone hurts ;)

I believe black people say, "he eatin"

His fashion looks like shit but on fat people its also comedic

Praying for him and a speedy heart attack.