29  2017-09-22 by Whydontulovemelynsi

This is the place where we like to post our feel-good vibes and "shoot the shit" with our fellow pests about our weekend plans. Keep it above the belt, people let out their vulnerabilities and insecurities here.

Personally I've been feeling a little blue so I think I'm going to steal some prescription pills from my buddy's girlfriend this afternoon. Order up some pizza to my man-cave (whatever's on sale at dominos $$$) and when the feel-good vibes start kicking in, I'll spend most of the night edging alone to third world hooker porn because girls with options are a definite turn-off.

Feel free to leave your baggage at the door (LOL). Anyone else have any BIG plans for the weekend? mahalo


I've been masturbating with lotion instead of lube lately and my cock is real slick.

fawk theres a rhyme in there somewhere im sure i'll think of it

I hear most yanks are circumcised - is that why you have to use lube to crank your yoghurt warrior?


Yeah. You can do a dry jerk in times of desperation, though.

That's amazing to me.

My last job in a bank was just killing time in between wanking in the toilet.

Do you keep lube on you then for "just in case" times?

The idea of british opie and anthony fans makes me think of the guys from that british show "Bottom".

I especially like the fact that they go in the bathroom and jerk off at their London Bank job.

Just tugging the skin over thier uncircumcised peckas

I'm going to use today to reflect on the misery and misfortune that the namesakes of this sub have come upon. I'll be smiling all day long.

Hey this is Gregorio Ilidivich, author of the Feelin' Good posts -- the OA subreddit's longest running serial post-- and president/founder of OASRNWFGGI (OA SubReddit's Gossip News Network with Feelin' Good's Gregorio Illidivich)

Keep up the good work!

I prefer the firefly kid & his upset mom to whatever bit you're doing now .

I understand

I'll be withdrawing from zoloft and geodon

Which branch did you serve in?

I'll be on lady di's navy ship once the drugs get out of my system

Hopefully under supervision of some sort, but I understand life is life. Good luck!

Nope just failed to make an appointment before i ran out. Ill be seeing a dr on monday that doesnt even treat legit crazy people. Havent had any luck finding one that does unless im locked up in am institution

Geodon is heavy hitting. Are you schizophrenic?


Good luck. Shame that psychiatry is so inaccessible.

Whatever the voices are saying, don't believe 'em.

Got some fresh kratom in that is pretty amazing. Took 3 vendors but i finally got one that sells some potent shit. So probably that and video games ALL WEEKEND

sorry to see you go out like that



I got the Grandfather Golden and the Forbidden Fruit strands.

I think I might get back on the alcohol tonight after being such a Jim Norton for a good while.

Do I! Headin down the shore for a weekend of fun with some buddies and maybe get some vagina who knows fingers crossed

Irish Weekend?

With a name like NortheastPhilly you're goddamn right he's headed to Wildwood.

Kenzo Beach my dude

heck yeah

Who would want to go down the shore and see the mummers for Irish weekend? It's so fucking cringey.

You mean sloppy 22 year old pussy?

Sloppy 22 year old pussy with that obnoxious south philly accent /smokers voice. All the women sound like garbage men with a 2 pack a day habit.

It kinda turns me on

Yeah... me too.

I meant paradise. Sorry.

As a man from Philadelphia I can honestly say people from NE Philly are the worst. The bags of shit that come from that region are nothing short of embarrassing.

You're too lazy to be blue collar, too fucking dumb to be white collar, and surrounded by some of the worst infrastructure and road layouts in all of North America so you fucks can't even commute to a good job.

You fucks drink like fish and manage to fuck up anything this city enjoys. The bar Paddy Wacks single handily set back NE Philly's entire area's generation 10 years. You don't even deserve to have "philly" in your title. At least Conshohocken which is a bag of shit town actually provides something to the surrounding area beyond fucking roofers and VFWs.

fuck you and everything you stand for.

no offense.

Honestly, outside of South Philly areas and yuppies in Center City (who I hate). Philly is a gigantic shit sandwich. I really like Fishtown though. In the past 20 years Philly went from being tough as shit but respectable, to just dogshit trash. It really sucks. Anyone from the Northeast thats a half decent person got the hell out of dodge

Agreed - Philly is absolutely a giant shit sandwich, but even in the shit sandwich parts you still get a nice shot of mayonnaise to help make it a bit better (i.e. temple/drexel north, penn/drexel west)

The Northeast literally has nothing going for it.

Sometimes I fantasize about driving around Kensington with a paintball gun and targeting the nodding out dope fiends. Maybe a blow dart gun filled with narcan would be funnier.

It's a fact: black people commit a DISPROPORTIONATE amount of violent crime.

Source: FBI crime statistics.

Also who gives a care

Might go to the ol' gun range this weekend. Ammo is too fucking expensive.

May a pack of Sunni Syrian refugees have their way with you. Happy weekend!

inshallah, traveler!

I just got in a fight with the bus driver .#whitepeopleproblems

you got any worldstar videos, shaniqua?

Not that im aware of

Hopefully reading about your suicide and laughing

I am currently in London and, yes, the boys are as twinky and gay as here as all of us knew all along.

I gotta deliver the mail tomorrow, then deliver amazon packages on sunday. It's gonna be awesome!

Working again no friends and no money can't fucking wait

elder scrolls online + beef ravioli.

I’m gona get fawking zooted smoke some of the devils lettace

Weed and overwatch

Just because it's not Sunday doesn't mean you can't let a little sun in your day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gets my hairs did, then a 10 mile company sponsored run in the afternoon Saturday, followed by a pedicure and massage on Sunday as my reward.


I neglected to mention that I will have to pump my own gasoline for the first time in over seven years this weekend. Practiced opening the thing in the driveway this evening in anticipation (seriously).

I bought a golden retriever puppy. I'll drink a bit less and take care of the lil' mug...big fucking plans indeed

I prefer the firefly kid & his upset mom to whatever bit you're doing now .


I got the Grandfather Golden and the Forbidden Fruit strands.