"Enraging" is when your best friend and business partner runs off with your wife and company's money to Mexico. Using it describe minor irritants like someone's shirt or head gear *is* stolen from Jim Norton.

0  2017-09-22 by Kenn_Kennerson

The word is also relatively uncommon compared to "infuriating." You people are parrots.



this post in enraging.

He literally posts the same fucking thing obsessively and has done for ages.

It's sickens me how embarrassing this fruit is.

Now I look like a fool in front of your 38 followers. Goddamn it

Good one!

I'd be more concerned about looking like a complete dumbbell in front of everyone here.


(not a rhetorical)

You clearly care about the collective here; hence your weird, gay, unfunny, pointless fascination with the word enraging.

I don't think a barely-used Opie parody account with 30-odd followers is your biggest concern, mate.

Focus more on the fact you've cultivated a reputation as a humourless, boring idiot.

Maybe look inward for a moment and try to learn some humility. How likely do you seriously think it could be that everyone else is the problem and the cause of your bizarre neuroses?

You're not funny and you contribute nothing of any value here. Stop taking out your frustrations on people for using a perfectly normal word, dummy.

Look at my top posts. Frequently "upvoted."

If I gave a shit about the collective here, I would stop pointing out that people are parroting Jim when they say "enraging"

Did you seriously just brag about having upvoted posts on the O&A subreddit?

You're a fucking child and I hope you have a moment of clarity where you can finally see what a boring, unfunny cunt you are.

I can't imagine what life must be like for someone who has so habitually and publicly displayed such a lack of insight, humour, likability or value.

It must be enraging.

The only reason I brought it up is because you asserted the "collective" finds me humorless. Obviously I don't give a shit about being downvoted or reddit, considering this thread.

Why do you even respond then?

You have a strange pathological need to "stick up for yourself" against the mean bullies who point out your fruity obsessions.

Your account is a parody of itself at this point - just find a new angle, shit head.

I assure you, you are taking this more seriously than me. Keep using words like "pathological" though to try to make your posts sound more erudite and meaningful.

Meanwhile, I'll continue just fucking around and being enraging

You can't assure me of anything because you have the IQ of a root vegetable and I can read.

You understand how insane & retarded it is to complain about the proper use of a word when your entire, worthless argument is about how you think a perfectly normal word is being used incorrectly?

You're not completely braindead, you must see how stupid that is, right?

You are not funny. You're not interesting. You contribute fuck all to this subreddit except parroting the exact same sentence about people parroting something.

Take a look at yourself, mate. You're a fucking embarrassment.

Look inward and ask why you are so emotionally invested in this.

It's going to be alright.

An unbelievable and highly original burn from a very funny man who definitely does. It have Asperger's syndrome.


Keep trying, stupid.

Step outside the glow of your computer screen and try to explain your flurry of recent posts to a passerby. Let me know how it goes.

Another real zinger! Urgh. Good one.

You really are the most bewildered person I've encountered on here.

I hate to break it to you but absolutely nothing is coming across as you think it is.

You're still embarrassing yourself hours after your 128th post about the word "enraging."

Just have a little think about that.

And you're coming across exceedingly well adjusted!

See, the word "pathological" wasn't at all to show off as being erudite, was it?

Seeing as how it perfectly encapsulates your batshit insane need to have the last word despite being utterly annihilated.

Take a breath, delete your account and start again, mate.

Maybe focus on something funny next time other than a word that annoys you because of your overwhelming levels of gayness.

And how, exactly, would you describe what you're doing currently?

There's that obsession with the last word again.

Keep going, genius.

sighs Your sense of irony is not particularly well-developed.

Have a good day, sir. Feel free to insert the last word below.

Dude, you post about this all the time.

It's so fucking weird that you're obsessed with it.

You could even say it "enrages" me what a joyless faggot you are.

Kenn Kennerson is = Faggot Faggoterson

You've just been down-voted by a woman, faggot.

And probably pegged by one too.

Please shoehorn your gender into more posts. I guess it's exciting for a lot of these people to interact with a member of over 50% of the population

You are an unfunny bore.

You clearly care about the collective here; hence your weird, gay, unfunny, pointless fascination with the word enraging.

I don't think a barely-used Opie parody account with 30-odd followers is your biggest concern, mate.

Focus more on the fact you've cultivated a reputation as a humourless, boring idiot.

Maybe look inward for a moment and try to learn some humility. How likely do you seriously think it could be that everyone else is the problem and the cause of your bizarre neuroses?

You're not funny and you contribute nothing of any value here. Stop taking out your frustrations on people for using a perfectly normal word, dummy.

See, the word "pathological" wasn't at all to show off as being erudite, was it?

Seeing as how it perfectly encapsulates your batshit insane need to have the last word despite being utterly annihilated.

Take a breath, delete your account and start again, mate.

Maybe focus on something funny next time other than a word that annoys you because of your overwhelming levels of gayness.

craw! shut up! shut up!