Joseph "This sub doesn't affect me" Cumia had to delete all episodes of his podcast and set all of his social media to "private" because of this sub

180  2017-09-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

That's PFG.



And admit on national tv to claims of pedophilia without even being prompted to do so.

He knew everyone in America could just see it in his eyes.

Which is why he always wears sunglasses.

To be extra safe, he keeps his eyes closed under those sunglasses.

Fun trivia - There was one peckah here a couple of years ago who called Joe a weak retina having queer for that.

And never wears sleeves.

They have the added bonus of keeping those stray saliva ropes out of his eyeballs. Not all of his service providers have perfect aim.

Always keep your kids away from someone that wears sneakers with a sport jacket.

Except Seinfeld of course.

Seinfeld wears nice Nikes. Joe wears Jimmy's training shoes.

This still makes me laugh out loud. He's on a par with Eddie Bravo as someone who thinks they're smart but are actually monumentally stupid.

He really should have just eaten the loss of the money.

I just misread that and pictured Joe eating money. like a horse eating grass. Thanks for that. That would still have been a better outcome than his trial.

It would be a better use of the money too.



Look into it dude

To be fair Eddie Bravo always calls himself a dumbass.

In that case he's got more self awareness than Joe and is therefore smarter than him.

Don't know much about him, only saw him on the JRE with Alex Jones. He came across as a colossal moron.

Yeah he admits he's a certifiable retard. That doesn't help much though, he's now doing Flat Earth podcasts haha.

If you watch a few segments with him, he's very likable. He's just one of those unintentional hilarious people.

As infuriating as it was for him to interrupt Alex Jones every single time he was just getting into a point, his video 'Mastering the Rubber Guard' is actually very informative and hearing Renato Laranja rip on him is great.

He just says that as a defense mechanism to try and ward off people who would challenge him and his ideas. He doesn't really think he is a dumbass. Like everybody who has fringe conspiracy theory beliefs, he thinks he is much smarter than most people.

Dude they faked the moonlanding 6 times

"Is that true, Eddie?"

"I don't know, look it up."

I bet judo is actually really easy

But if he could just meet one sub rep in person, he'd destroy him with his boxing power and biker gang street smarts.

he just needs to meet one, & the results would be all will recoil in fear.

I'd love to strangle him out of self defense

You say this like it hasn't already happened.

Oh.... yeah..... it hasn't.

Because he's a big, fat failure and a pussy as well.

The best part is that only a few of you used to break Joe's balls on here - I barely knew who he was until this year. Then he started coming on here writing embarassing essay comments... and then with the whole trial ordeal.

He's his own worst enemy.

Joe's idea of fighting back against 'haters' is throwing honey into a bears den. And Ant calls his brother smart all the time...

If you go back far enough he was a lot like Opie. He'd call into the show to plug his shitty band, add absolutely nothing and when he hung up you had zero opinion about it. Similar to how opie never moved the needle for anyone before people listened a little closer and realized what a massive cunt he is.

I barely knew who he was until about 2 years ago. He's the worst person "involved" with O&A. Way worse than Opie.

He takes credit for everything (for O&A, for Anthony's success, here he even takes credit for starting Wackbag) when in reality he's a non-contributing zero. He has a massive ego that never diminishes despite so much evidence that he's pathetic and talentless (his gofundme for instance). He lies about his own words on twitter while at the same time claiming that he stands by his words. He brings everything back to either "libtards" or people supposedly being jealous of him. He receives welfare. He's a complete fuck up with no redeeming qualities with the ego of an A-list star. Just Long Island trash through and through.

Agreed, Opie is an encyclopedia of mental illness but I've never seen someone whose flaws are as glaringly obvious as Brother Joe.

Those people always blame others and take zero responsibility... except when shit hits the fan and they are forced to.

Apparently Brother Joe 'raised' Ant when their dad disappeared to Cali too. Kid never had a chance.

Opie is way worse than Brother Joe. Brother Joe didn't ruin 20 years of comedy gold by taking every molecule of funny out of the room. Every time you re-listen to the best of O&A, you have to be reminded of what a fucking retarded, loudmouthed dolt Opie is.

Too bad once you delete the stuff it leaves the internet...oh wait.

clearly rhe act of a man with nothing to hide

If I was a kid, I would be embarrassed to spit into that mans mouth

I'd still do it though, just to indirectly take money away from Anthony

So he is admitting his past statements can cause him to lose gigs. If he had nothing to hide, everything would be public.

Does anybody have copies of the old episodes?

Don't make me use Deep Discount.

I wish I did. I only ever watched a few minutes of a random episode and he said "nigger" several times. He also had episodes devoted to "SJWs" and "Reverse Racism". There would be no way for him to wriggle out of them like he tries to do with his tweets.

Who knew Scorch would be having a social media presence than Joey Brother Teat Sucker

We did it reddit!

You guys have no lives. This is pathetic. Stop getting so involved into a man’s life already.

Nice try joe

Stop wearing wife beaters on video you 2u faggot

He's a small business owner who screams about niggers on twitter. IE, a fucking retard

Hopefully everyone took screenshots and other proof of his despicable racism

Not Joe. Lol.

i hope one of you autists saved this shit

What the hell are you talking about?!