My life is filled with a general sense of loneliness and isolation that I'm not articulate enough to explain to the general public

17  2017-09-22 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Yet I also can't frame it in a way that is humorous enough to gain comedic traction with the cyber terrorists of this forum. I'm attracted to the site because romantically it reminds me of all those random islands scattered throughout the world that the US claimed

Like back when we were looking for bird shit for farming so bad that the government said that you could claim any rock in the ocean as long as there was bird shit on it. Once we figured out better methods of acquiring nitrogen we didn't need guano. But those islands were still there, much the same as this sub.

Birds still shit on the islands


I was thinking about making a shitpost about my hermit life, thanks for saving me the trouble faggot

Maybe we can make out, ya big fruit.

I spend my days workin' hard on the go, but the hands on the clock keep ticking too slow. I can't wait to be alone with my baby tonight!

I have no girlfriend or friends. I can have dreams tho !

You faggot, I got a wife and kids and all that shit and I miss being a miserable lump of shit everyday. Atleast I could find happiness in small things or just sit back and live in an fantasy of how great life can be, spoiler: live doesn't get better with more people around you, it just gets more complicated and anxiety inducing. I rather be imagining it than living it if that makes any God damn sense. I litterly went from almost homeless working shit jobs to becoming a doctor, went from living alone at 15 to having my own family and money. Making it doesn't solve anything, I was suppose to be alone for a reason, I need to be alone to survive. Now I'm stuck at the most stressful fucking job ever and my homelife is shit, all I dream about now is what you want to get away from.

Your homelife is shit because youre a self obsessed pansy. I pity your family more because they didnt have a choice when it came to you.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying, I was suppose to be a miserable lonely lump of shit, that's my destiny

And you, like every other depressed narc, are the one who inflicts it on everyone else.

narc? Im not sure that you know what doctors do, I dont give out information about my patients unless its an threat to others. I think you have me mistaken with the actual police

Lol wtf is this & why are you aware of it?

Yeah, the whole "XD SO RANDUMZ" thing only works on the rest of faggoty reddit. Your mental illnesses and alcoholism are a burden to this subs attempts at being less faggoty.

...of all the dregs in this place i actually like you the most and think youre an interesting person. No one else here even talks to me.

You should find out where he lives and show him how you really feel

With my dick, right?! Yeah

You'll be OK Ope.

If it's any consolation, that emptiness in your soul is caused by the Jews.



They killed God bro.

Where we at with the Nietzsche?

My life is such shit I'm finding Rich Vos's sobriety,words and career inspiring

His grammar, too.


Heres the secret. That is how everyone feels deep down. Some are just better at hiding it

You probably think you deserve better, don't you? You're wrong.

Yep, this is basically cognitive behavioural therapy TLDR.

You bring it all on yourself basically by letting it. when you realize you can control it (via perspective, thought control tactics, etc.) you realize it's mostly your own dumb self all along. not everyhing/everyone else.

Sorpanos did a good job of communicating that part of mental illness when he's deal with anger w/ Janice

You go about in pity for y'self!

The Opie and Anthony show also was a good illustration of this concept, both characters were constantly falling victim to this phenomenon and neither one ever seemed to realize it.

Please enter this post in a poetry competition, I think it would do really well.

We all know that feel bro.

I could feel alone standing in a crowd of 500 people ever since I stopped going to Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Getting fucked in the ass just isn't worth it if you think someone might shoot you and a bunch of other Puerto Rican fags while you're just trying to mingle. My asshole has been as empty as my heart since that fateful day.

If only you could find the one who can inject his thick, cloggy semen directly into your heart atrium. You certainly found the right shithole.

Jesus Christ. Stop being a pathetic faggot and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Life will never align exactly with your wishes. Get over it.

Oh Jesus, why post this?

you have to live life with a purpose. Fill the void with work, to earn wages for the finer things: escorts, drugs, alcohol, and video games.

This is just simple ennui. What you do with it is up to you. I for one am trying to convince a professor to allow me to play around with a human corpse. I wish this was a goof, but no, that's where my ennui took me in life. Be good and kind to the people you love and Gail Bennington, that's all you can really do. MS paint Anthony fucking a tranny. I don't know.

You need to stop identifying too closely to this sub and these faggots. Try to be more than the sub and look at it from a distance like the birds do the islands.

Shit on this sub.

Stare into the abyss long enough...



I think you're a mentally ill manlady who's also a narcissistic liberal twat, and I downvote nearly every one of your posts.

That said, you seem alright. DM sometime so we can argue.

Happy cake day trannyfucker.

We all have Asperger's here. We're all on the same boat.

Have you read my Feelin' Good posts? Seems we need them now more than ever....

Loneliness and isolation is gift. You go home, cruise for skanks online, jerk off, develop an addiction. The world is your oyster. People, bonding, and relationships are truly a drag.

I miss it everyday

"I also can't frame it in a way that is humorous enough to gain comedic traction"

I concur.

Boorrrrrriiing. Be more funny!

Pick up a barbell, faggot.

The beginning of this song sums up the human condition:

Get used to it. We all want what we don't have, Maybe find a different way to think about shit. Stop whining.

Given the state of the economy and marriage, isolation is a viable tactic. Porn and video games are far better than sex and work.

narc? Im not sure that you know what doctors do, I dont give out information about my patients unless its an threat to others. I think you have me mistaken with the actual police