Which one of you mugs is doing this?

3  2017-09-22 by FlashVirus


Fucker deleted it. Someone is pretending to be the owner of Carl's restaurant on instragram and he was throwing a hissy fit. Oh well.

Here's a screenshot: https://kek.gg/i/89StZf.png

Awesome restaurant pics. Just dump a bucket of food on a plate and eat up you pathetic fucking pigs. What a pathetic loser.

kek.gg? Jesus christ.

That pile of shit with the lemon slice on top of it looks like something that Gordon Ramsay would pick at with his fork, call utter shit and ask the waitress what it's supposed to be before sending it back to the kitchen.

Everything I know about Carl on Opie's shows I learnt from bonniesretardsister. Apart from those posts I've seen, I only know Carl from the pop up shows....he seems like a nice guy.

What did I miss? Why is he hated?

Why is he hated?

Probably that he hangs out with Opie. Opie is so dislikable that one's hate for him can spread to those simply standing nearby.

He doesn't seem like all that bad a guy, he rolls with some punches.

It should also be noted that his quirky T shirt collection is that of a try hard 16 year old.