Nathan For You: Season 4 premiere

21  2017-09-22 by crookedmile

I'm a faggot drunk and I am excited over a tv show.


Goat in the water is true art.

Nathan believes that teens are the adults of the future.

WHAT I had no idea (about season 4 starting, not that you were a faggot.) thanks for the heads up

Is that show really as good as people say?



On the surface he has the vibe of the slender, deadpan awkward for awkward sake west coast comic O&A fans love to hate, but his show is genius and he is excellent at fucking with people and tapping into a mean spirit.

I dont think hes even doing a character, he seems to be a pretty genuine autistic Canadian dork. Sorta like a low energy version of Tom Green



If you enjoy Reviewbrah unironically, you'll find Nathan For You is your speed.

I hate Nathan's comedy, love watchin people shuv hiz food up there assez or sumpthin'

I'm a big fan of people getting fucked with

I pissed my pants at the Tennessee Williams episode

Nathan was on this week's episode of Bill Simmons' podcast and it is great. Worth a listen if you like the guy.

I'm thrilled. When does the show start, 9/22? I hope the first episode is the one where he wears a chili suit into a baseball stadium and squeezes samples out for a group of little kids