EU spent $400k on a report proving Keith is an idiot

6  2017-09-21 by dmix


I don't need $400k for that, I need 4 seconds.

Read that fast and thought Esther Ku spent $400K.

I bought my first sub to Compound after a year of pirating it. Then of course I unsubbed because they ended up disappointing, but the only thing that hooked me on their product to begin with was pirating.

Keith is in fact an idiot.

Indeed, I've cancelled my sub twice already, I almost resubbed but I still havent seen of the full videos around to know if it's worth it. At most I've seen plenty of low-quality audio of the full shows...

That's the other big thing besides 'sampling', I sub not just for access to content but for reliable high-quality access. Subbing is to make my life easier and it feels right supporting content you like.

At most I've seen plenty of low-quality audio of the full shows..

When I post the show it's the same file they have on their RSS feed so that's the quality paid subscribers get too.