Shots fired on AA

163  2017-09-21 by The-Lunger

About 20 minutes into the show, while mocking the Larry O'Donnell meltdown clip , Ant says "this is who I worked with for 20 years by the way".


Paging dr u/braunheiser

You know how Chip does the "now I'm gonna say this and you just talk about this and that" bit before the music kicks in on the Podacast? I wonder if Opie did that shit on O&A even though they always talked about how it was such a hang.

He would constantly bring up things they were just talking about off air and lamented that they didn't "save it for da show", so yes I believe it entirely.

He always seemed to know Ant's stories he was going to tell before he told them in the mornings or he'd bring them up. So Opie definitely said it before the show started too, likely when Ant was just shooting the shit in the morning.

He'd also push back sometimes by trying to control when Ant dug into stories by trying to delay it for a later time. He definitely tried to captain the ship... but I think it was mostly just trying to avoid dead air.

Mahn, wuhss wrong wit da dead air we gots? Da dead air we got souwn pritty gud....

Fez Whatley...uhhh, whut else...whut da name of dem other dead airs

Eva Rausing?

How many fucking times did we hear Op, Ant and Jimmy get into a topic, end up having Ant and Jim riff on it and crack eachother up only to hear Op pipe in with, "Alright, let's move on and get into this...." and the show comes to a screeching halt... How. Many. Times.

Especially riffing on a video (which usually wasn't even an important video). He'd constantly try and cut into the riffing as if getting through the video was some assignment that had to be done - and they had 2-3 hours to fill. It reeks of insecurity about having nothing funny to say and it was his way to feel important.

Ant and Patrice talking about Wesley Snipes being in jail is a good example

It's more than a reek, it's a 100% consensus that's what it was. Especially now that we see the only way he can function is to pay people to be completely unfunny, fake laugh at him, and go along with his truly bizarre (and unfathomably awful) ideas of what makes a good, fun show.

The new race wars with Opie came out today (apparently) and Opie is sharing his highlights on twitter. He has this really cool story about the time he had two people have sex in a church!

It's more than a reek, it's a 100% consensus that's what it was.

True that, not even sure why I held back on that. The man is a needy, childish, sociopath who ironically desperately wants to be liked.

Thats radio though. They all retell stories that both of them know but sorta act unaware of it since you have new listeners.

It sounds like Ope is a good boy just trying to give us fans a good show. What's the prob?

ME: Fawk, I was the quarterback calling plays in the huddle. Fawkin' haters.

tss yeah and you throw an INTERCEPTION right

Lets go to Pat from Omaha! (Audible yuma)

Most infuriating thing ever is when he puts people on the spot like "Hey tell a joke! Improv, go!" like don't fucking squeeze jokes out of people you dolt. Chip does that all the time during the podcast and every time the comic is like "um uh pressure ummm uhhh"

No wonder Opie hated Chip so much

I was listening to a clip recently of Patrice going off about Asians. Of course, instead of naturally guiding the conversation to that subject, Op goes "so do that bit you do about the Asians. It's fawkin hilarious."

I hate this man.

There's a compilation of patrice's Asian rants and it has the same story in it like 4 times because Opie keeps telling him to tell it again.

"he cupped his hands...."

In the end the chinks quietly fed him MSG until he croaked.

Whos raffing now?

Chip sums that whole thing up with 'goawnnaw!'

If Opie did that or not what does it matter? If he was a comedic talent all those moments would have been good direction. but since he is a dullard, a dope, it was worthless. the act of giving some direction because you have vision is not, in it of itself, a bad thing. it just boils down to Opie have no talent or vision so he is direction was gay and dumb.

Like, I realize everyone likes to think only the cool entertainers just come in and kick it maaaan, no work before hand, we just come in and we are so talented it just works. no, that's not how entertainment or most things work. The Howard Stern show, which in it's peak years, was phenomenal, and had a lot of prep. prep done by talented people = good.

Because they would regularly trash shows that would do shit like that. Comedians would come on and say they hated when radio shows tried to set up their bits.

Also you answered your own question in the first paragraph. Opie's direction and vision is that of a hack and so it sucks, much like Chip's steering of the ship.

Are you still hanging on to the fact that Opie and Anthony where not complete hypocrite hack faggots?

Before Jimmy and all of his comic buddies they did bra bombings and handed out fudgy wudgy bars.

Leave it alone

Those contract negotiations were the final straw it seems

Opie 100% can't get tranth back on Sirius now. There's no bridge he is worried about burning now.

Tranth was willing to call opie's show the day Jim's new show started. He was very desperate to get back his steady paycheck.

Yup, Anthony would've dumped his entire YouTube variety shitshow to go back to Sirius.

That's the best description of his show that I've seen in a long time.

Those people tend to do that, especially when there are a pack of them .

This is Mary Jeans best radio show yet.

Showing her tits, and keeping her mouth closed.

Gregg Hughes, loved by all.

Oh I disagree

Are you suggesting that people out there don't think Opie is the bee's knees?

"He stinks and I don't like him!" turns out Jim's finest piece of acting was because Opie was his motivation.


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Cumia is the bees knees sir...

Opie aint so bad neither

I was in the business since I was 18th FAWKIN years old.

I could go back to spinning records ::sniff::

ant is such a pussy, anytime other comics are around he'll trash opie just to get a laugh because its all he has left, yet when opie calls his show he acts like his BFF again. he's such a phony.

I disagree that is not his only laugh his impressions and stories have been on point since Artie came on board

he's a "phony bologna"


Eh. i don't think it's so hard to believe that after spending decades with someone, you could both hate so many things about them while still enjoying the occasional conversation with them.

I could see where you're coming from if it were any other person, but it's opie. No one enjoys even occasional conversations with that soulless waterheaded fuck

Why did you have to bring Bick into this?

Does anth think he would have a radio career without the opster???

Does anyone think Tits be more than the disc jockey he was without Ant???

He could have got other people to fill anths role. Anth needed ope directly just to get into the industry..

yeah, like Carl the Chef

He filled that role so great he lost Jimmy, then the channel name, then his job. You think they would have fired Stern for what Tits did? Tits got lucky, he was not going to find another nobody that could be paid pennies and still carry him. Also calling him Opster and Ope unironically, die.

Jim is also nothing without ope.. he gave them their pathway to their careers. In return they shat on him.

Is this /PatBattle1's alt account?

Anthony and Jim, for all their myriad flaws, were funny on the radio. Opie had essentially nothing to do with that, any hack DJ who lucked into Anthony and Jim could have made a career from producing a comedy show. Opie was as extraneous as breasts on a man.

Anthony and Jim, for all their myriad flaws, were funny on the radio. Opie had essentially nothing to do with that, any hack DJ who lucked into Anthony and Jim could have made a career from producing a comedy show. Opie was as extraneous as breasts on a man.

Anthony and Jim, for all their myriad flaws, were funny on the radio. Opie had essentially nothing to do with that, any hack DJ who lucked into Anthony and Jim could have made a career from producing a comedy show. Opie was as extraneous as breasts on a man.

Anthony and Jim, for all their myriad flaws, were funny on the radio. Opie had essentially nothing to do with that, any hack DJ who lucked into Anthony and Jim could have made a career from producing a comedy show. Opie was as extraneous as breasts on a man.

Yuck a real opie fan. They all say this exact same thing. Don't you dolts realize that you could say the same about any management guy who does the hiring?

"Anthony and Jimmy would be nothing without Bjorgy McSpurgystein!"

Know this. You're parroting Opie, and Opie is the stupidest human alive.

He didn't work with Larry for 20 years. He worked with Opie.

How important is the cohost?

I automatically heard Larry King say that in my head.

can you please post the video?

Sorry, I have no idea how. I'm old and useless. I was hoping one of the usual suspects would throw it up.

Who is Larry O'Donnell?

Mediaite. Good site.


LAHVE the Mediaite...

Love the mediate

Ha! listening to J&S today, Jim defiantly defended Larry O'Donell to the point where he clearly acted petulantly in his stance and refused to even meet halfway with any reasonable argument...All I could think about was the hypocrisy with how much everyone couldn't stand Opie's primadonna attitude that created an obviously toxic, tense, unproductive, and resentful workplace. It baffled me that he couldn't see how that behavior isn't justifiable or manageable even though he worked with it for 15 years.

Jim didn't want to defend Larry but did so in a defiant manner?

Maybe it's just cause you're a faggot, but sometimes you don't meet someone half-way if you are right and they are wrong. This is has obviously built up because the underlings are not doing their jobs correctly or respecting their boss. Maybe it's cause you're an unemployed faggot, but maybe you've just got a great tolerance for shit heads fucking up and not listening when you're the one responsible for the product.

This is in no way a defence of Opie. He had no talent. This fucker can obviously do his job; but maybe he gets angry when others' can't.

No worse than what Ant has said about Opie in the past.

Wait did Ant finally find the guns he lost behind the couch?

Ant makes joke. Joke is funny. People assume Ant hates Opie.

Rinse, wash, repeat.


Perfect Ant-impression.

That's pretty sad when you think about it.

Why do you even listen to Aging and Anthony?

Trolling 101: Either stick with the unpopular opinion, or be intentionally lame and unfunny. Don't do both. It gives you away.

yea that was funny

Opie 100% can't get tranth back on Sirius now. There's no bridge he is worried about burning now.

Tranth was willing to call opie's show the day Jim's new show started. He was very desperate to get back his steady paycheck.